It seems incredibly fitting that we have the unusual occurrence of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games being held in the span of one year – the year of Paul Anderson Youth Home’s 60th Anniversary.

Paul Anderson was a Georgia native who overcame Bright’s Disease as a child and went on to win the gold medal in weightlifting as a super heavyweight during the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games. He used his fame to spread awareness and dedicated his life to helping others by planting God’s Word in their hearts.

Paul and his wife Glenda opened PAYH 60 years ago with the mission of transforming lives by helping young men turn away from incarceration and toward God. Paul passed away in 1994, but his legacy lives. Today, after helping more than 1,400 young men in crisis, the Home and ministry continue, and it is OLYMPIC STRONG!

We are so thankful to WSAV TV for sharing our mission with a wonderful segment that aired on “The Bridge” morning show. We hope you enjoy it!

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