Stories To Tell Your Children

By Dr. Jeff Padgett

Psalm 78:2-6, “2 I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old, 3 Which we have heard and known, And our fathers have told us. 4 We will not hide them from their children, Telling to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done. 5 For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children; 6 That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born, That they may arise and declare them to their children.”

The text says to ancient Israel, I want you to rehearse the stories of God’s power to your family and to your children. What is so powerful about that is he says, if you do it, you will save the generation to come.

When we read manna falling from Heaven, the Red Sea parting, water coming from a rock, we think of Bible stories. One must understand, from the standpoint of which this text was written. He wasn’t telling them to read Bible stories, because there was not what we would consider the Bible at that time. He is saying you are to rehearse it to your children. Your grandfather told your father, and your father told you, and now you are to tell your children, so they will tell the generations to come. That way there will be a continuous flow of God’s power and redemption in the family.

We are living in a time where we do not need a televangelist to save our families. We do not need to depend on the church to make sure our kids are ready for the coming of the Lord. One of the greatest ways you can see a move of God in the present generation is to talk about what God has done in previous generations in your family.

One of the great stories in the Old Testament is in 2 Kings 13. Elisha was on his deathbed and Joash the king comes in. The old generation is dying and the new generation comes in. The king was in a battle and he asked the old prophet, “What am I to do?” The old prophet said, “Take your bow and an arrow and draw it back to shoot.”

The old prophet comes up behind him and puts his hands on the hands of the young king. Even though the young man had strength, vigor, enthusiasm, excitement, and vision. Even though he was strong, and able to stretch the bow, the old generation is surrounding the young generation and helping him to stretch out the weapon. Now you have the young men seeing visions and the old men dreaming dreams. You have the strength of the younger generation and the wisdom of the older generation. You have the fire of the younger generation and the integrity of that old time religion that lived it and not just talked it.

The next move of God is not going to be the next young person or the last old person, but there is going to be a combination of the young and the old. They will stand together and recover what has been stolen from this nation and the church.

My heart is hungry to see God touch the next generation. Not just with nice services, not just with entertaining music, not just with pleasant sermons. I am hungry for a move of God that causes young people to fear God again.

There’s a warning in the end times that the church would have a form of Godliness, but deny the power. Something in my heart wants to see revival hit again.

The Holy Spirit said I will not be out done by the devil. If you see the devil pick up his pace, look out for the Holy Spirit is about to pick up His pace.

He said I want you to tell your children stories about God’s redemption. Five times in the Bible, God commanded Israel to tell their children. He said after you do certain things, your children will ask, “What does this mean?” When they ask, you are to tell them how God moved through your family to get you where you are right now.

Strength For The Day

Each week, PAYH shares a devotional; “Strength For The Day,” by Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret. In addition to being a retired US Army Chaplain, he is also the husband of our Co-Founder, Glenda Anderson Leonard. His writing is both moving and inspiring and will most certainly lift your spirit and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. To receive his weekly writing, you can subscribe online at You can also read past writings by clicking here.

Bike Ride Recap

Another incredible year for The Paul Anderson Youth Home Annual Bike Ride! A huge thank you to all our amazing riders, volunteers, and sponsors who came together the past week to support our young men and the legacy of Paul Anderson. We’re so blessed for this community that keeps on pedaling forward with PAYH!

Bike Riders at the Rotary Club of Vidalia

The Bike Riders had the opportunity to speak at the Rotary Club of Vidalia‘s Luncheon and discuss their experiences on the Ride. Following a delicious lunch, the young men and the Rotary Club members had a question and answer dialogue. Thank you for the invitation to be a part of an amazing community organization that supports our Riders and The PAYH!

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