Memorial Day 2020
The New Normal I cannot believe how much our daily lives have changed in the last few months. I don’t think any of us could have imagined the impact the coronavirus would have when we first heard about it. Here at the PAYH, we have been on a shelter-in-place order » If you read our newsletter, you’ve read the story of the 101st Airborne and how they stubbornly refused to give up the fight, replying with a simple “NUTS!” when the Germans demanded their surrender. Just like the 101st in Bastogne, we can sometimes feel a besieged. Fortunately, we have »
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33 I was once asked what combat was like. Believe it or not, my answer described a feeling that I am almost sure a lot of you have been feeling. “Will ‘it’ happen »
As we await the time when we can resume some semblance of normalcy, I set up my office each morning on our screened back porch which overlooks the campus. It is a common thing for me to ponder my life in this place, on this hill. There have been many »
Meet Them in Battle Nonetheless! I’m a fan of fantasy, and I especially enjoy the works of JRR Tolkien, a devout Christian who wrote such classics as The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit. His works are highly allegorical and are filled with tales of tremendous bravery, heroism, and self-sacrifice. One »
Be the Right Kind of Man! Before coming to the Home, I was afforded the immeasurable blessing of being allowed to be a soldier for most of my adult life. As a matter of fact, of all the time I have spent on Earth, I have spent more time in »
This is My Commandment It’s February – the month in which we all seek to prove our devotion to and affection for our spouses. Many consider this demonstration to be of extreme importance, and (as a married man) my wife has informed me that I agree. We back this up »
Vision 2020 2020 Vision! It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about an individual, family, organization, or nation; everyone needs a plan and a purpose. The Bible itself makes this clear in Proverbs 28:18, in which Solomon tells us “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” A vision is meant to define what »
Hebrews 12:1 refers to the Christian walk as a race, and for those of us at PAYH, it has certainly felt like that at times. It’s been a busy month, as you’ll see as you read the stories below, but it’s also been a very successful month. We’ve seen wonderful »
I Can't Be Ungrateful Prior to coming to PAYH, it seems I was consistently finding myself in some type of trouble. My addictions led me to begin stealing to support my habits, which nearly cost my father his job when I stole from his employer. The drinking, running away, and »
After 19 months, Jackson finished the PAYH program. He began as an atheist, but in November of 2018 he had a personal encounter with Christ, who saved his soul and made Jackson a child of God. Hear his testimony in his own words below: