
About jpadgett

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So far jpadgett has created 570 blog entries.


The history of the Paul Anderson Youth Home is rich with amazing people who have given much. It is a wealth of success stories of boys who came to us broken and in need but went on to become assets to their communities, fathers and husbands, successful businessmen, and »


So often we see people around us hurting, yet we feel there is no way to help them. We watch statistics worsening (pg. 3), but read how change can start with just one. Read and download Fall 2015 Newsletter below. PAYH Staff

Fatherless Epidemic

Flying kites, throwing balls, a feeling of security, sometimes a strong word or a look; these are all memories that many of us have of our fathers.  Stop for a moment and think…What are yours? Growing up as the son of a naval officer who was often gone for months »

Real Moms Do Exist

My three-year-old climbs in my lap as I am typing and says, “Can I push a button, Mommy?  Can I?  God reminds me, in a very loud voice, I am a mom.  I have watched the video of Kate Greene as she talks of letting “Supermom go.  Even as she »

PAGC 2015 Thank You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Whether this was your first or twenty-second Paul Anderson Golf Classic (PAGC), we want to thank you for making this year's event a huge success. With your help, we were able to raise over $149,000! After a beautiful day on the links, we headed back to the Paul Anderson »

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