
About jpadgett

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So far jpadgett has created 570 blog entries.

Food for Thought

Teenage boys eat a lot of food!  Here at the Paul Anderson Youth Home (PAYH), food has always been a major part of how we provide security and teach the boys.  Given we serve over 21,900 meals a year, our food program is a critical part of what we do.  Being »

What's New For Us In 2015?

Paul Anderson is our founder and our hero. Not because of his Olympic Gold medal, World Records or awe-inspiring stature—it’s his strength of heart that draws us in and his legacy of love through the Paul Anderson Youth Home, which he founded in 1961. Over the last 53 years our »

Real Self-Esteem

The wonder and innocence of childhood is a fragile and fleeting thing. The turns and tangles of the world beyond their parent's arms can be harsh and complex. The cultural pressure on children to abandon their innocence, grow up fast is enormous--and wrought with countless trials and tears. Self-esteem is the consequence of how we cope, what we believe, how we were raised and, most importantly, how we live.

Parenting With No Regrets

DADDING DAILY BEFORE YOUR SON BECOMES A MAN – 5 SIMPLE STEPS FOR DADS TO GUIDE THEIR SONS TO A BRIGHT FUTURE Guest Post By Drew Read, COO Paul Anderson Youth Home Phrases like “should have, “would have, “could have… are heard frequently among parents. Retrospectively, there are always things »

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