

About Stephen Leonard

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So far Stephen Leonard has created 594 blog entries.

Overcoming the Anticlimactic

Those six words capture well the hardest challenge to living life Christianly or well. Life is made up of anticipations, preparations, concentrations, determinations toward one or another future event: a project, a vacation, a test, a performance, a feat to be conquered. It finally comes and then, it passes. What comes next?

The Jesus Prayer

This is a prayer that can be thought (prayed) in your mind even when you are in conversation with others. Very possibly such a thought-prayer will sanctify your part of the conversation to bring blessing and truth into another’s life.

In Search of Praise

Tomorrow they roll into Omaha! The finish point of a long, arduous, and sweltering ride from The Paul Anderson Youth Homecampus to Boys Town in Omaha, Nebraska; 1500 miles of pedaling, praying, and perseverance; 1500 miles of adventure, courage, and memories; hills to climb, hot pavement melting bike tires, white »

We Have Him!

He had now been missing three hours without a word. No calls, nothing. Our worries plummeted to a new lower level. We began to envision the worst. What had happened to him? Where was he? How would we find him? What do we do next? The police had been notified »

Investing In Goodbyes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   In the course of a lifetime we say goodbye too many times to count. And there are surely times we wish we had said goodbye properly when another opportunity to say hello face to face never came. Things happen that we never, ever thought would. Just two weeks »

Overcoming Thorns

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]   Tribulation encompasses a great deal more than you may conceive when you hear the word. I imagine it brings to mind traumatic things like martyrdom, the big C, death of a loved one, living in a war zone, your house burning down or being destroyed in a tornado; »

It Is Very Mysterious

Mason points out the tactlessness of the Bible in its confronting of reality; telling it like it is. He writes, “Marriage is also a tactless affair, full of awkwardness and indelicacy, as unromantic at times as a sinkful of dirty dishes.

The Place Where You Live

How do you feel about the place you live? The place you settle and marry and rear your children? When discontent arises with where you are, you need to revive in your spirit the truth that “here (wherever here is for you) we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.

Your God, Their God?

Given the truth of original sin, a fallen world, and a shrewd enemy, God knew parents would need superhuman help. His strongest promises to us in the Scriptures are related to parenting and the responsibility of the older generation conveying to the following generation the message of salvation and truth . . . a path to victory.

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