Parental Resources

Do you have Nomophobia?

Do you have nomophobia?  What in the world is nomophobia you might be asking, as I did, but I think I may have it.  We know a phobia is a fear and from the perspective of psychology, a type of anxiety.  The amount of stress that fear or anxiety causes never »


We wanted to share an article written for The Washington Post by Patricia Dalton, Clinical Psychologist, Paul Anderson Family Strong Center. Written in 2007, possibly even more relevant today . There’s been a fundamental change in family life, and it has played out over the years in my office. Teachers, »

Choosing Your Vocation

As young adults, most of us spent a lot of time contemplating what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives and which career path would help facilitate those plans. Some of us went straight into the work force in a career that we had always planned to »

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