Parental Resources

Fatherless Epidemic

Flying kites, throwing balls, a feeling of security, sometimes a strong word or a look; these are all memories that many of us have of our fathers.  Stop for a moment and think…What are yours? Growing up as the son of a naval officer who was often gone for months »

Are you a Super Mom?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Do you believe in Spiderman or Superman?  If you do, maybe you should disregard this post and video.  Supermom falls under the same category. The expectations are high.  We are expected to have: Meals prepared to perfection, warm, and table set Kids up, dressed, fed, and family devotion and »

Kids and Eye Contact

What’s up with kids and eye contact today? Are kids becoming interpersonally 1. less comfortable and 2. less adept  as a result of the computer age? Bruce Feiler (New York Times) raises some worrisome concerns in this recent piece. It should make all parents of growing children (and adolescents) sit »

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