Parental Resources

What is Influence?

Simply put, influence is something you do. Words are not enough. If communication and information truly changed us, we would be the most changed generation in the history of mankind. It is not enough for us to instruct our children and assume that they are going to “do it right. »

What is Responsibility?

Recently, I listened to a well-respected business leader say that his father taught him responsibility by often giving him small tasks that adults would generally be given. It gave him confidence that he was able to do things others his age were unable to do. As a parent, we certainly »

What is accountability?

Often I think we associate accountability with consequences. Think about these words…I am going to hold you accountable.What immediately comes to mind? As a child, that meant I was getting a spanking. As an employee, that means I am going to feel some kind of pressure. I think it is »

Summer with the family

From Mother’s Day to Father’s Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, the “summer season (more commonly referred to by youth as summer break) provides a perfect time to celebrate family and be together. The pace of the summer holiday season seems much slower than the frantic pace we »

Summer Fun

Have your run out of ideas on what to do with your children this summer? Tired of them playing X-Box or being on the computer? Worried that their English and Math skills are vanishing before your eyes? Here are a few ideas on how to engage your children over the »

Children Learn What They Live

Here are some thoughts to ponder... Children Learn What They Live By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D. If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. If children live with pity, they »

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