What does it take to change the world? It just takes one! You start with one life. One day at a time. Nate is a life that we had the privilege of working with at the PAYH. Nate is the story of someone who lived. And in life, we have the birthplace of hope.
It was because of the generosity of individuals that we were able to provide Nate with a second chance. Today, Nate is living a life in which he is a giver rather than a taker. Mission work to international students in Yellowstone or communicating the Gospel in Russia is just part of how he gives back. He also regularly invests back in the young men at the PAYH.
With every gift, you help:

  • Keep young men from becoming a statistic.
  • Offer hope to families in crisis.
  • Provide communities with resources that help them address issues youth and families are facing in this current culture.
  • Build a legacy for the next generation.


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