New Year’s Resolutions
“… forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:13-14
Most of us make New Year’s resolutions. Often, we resolve to lose weight, get in shape, or travel somewhere we have longed to visit. Sometimes we make plans to spend more time with family, learn a new skill, or to better manage our money. As Christians, we may even decide to spend more time studying God’s Word and pursuing a deeper relationship with Him. All of these are goals worth setting and achieving, but sadly, most New Year’s resolutions are all but forgotten by February.
There is a reason for this, and it’s something the Lord has taught me over the past 60 years through my role as Co-Founder and President of the Paul Anderson Youth Home. Real change rarely comes from short-term decision making. Instead, it is a process that involves hard work, sacrifice, and dedication.
The same principles apply when impacting the life of a young man. Through our counseling, character development, and accelerated learning program, we can change a boy’s outward behavior fairly quickly. However, true personal growth also requires constant attention and commitment to internal reflection, and above all, the intervention of the Holy Spirit in order to bring about lasting change.
Without Christ, our efforts would be in vain, and perhaps our best tool is to consistently model Christ-like behavior and through our actions, show our boys what it means to be a Christian.
As we enter our 60th year of operation, a true milestone anniversary, our resolution is simple: to increase the number of lives impacted through our program, further enhancing our ministry.
We will continue to serve the mission to which God has called us, offering a second chance to young men in crisis and repairing strained family relationships. God has given us the tools we need in His Word, and I have seen them work time after time.
As you make your own New Year’s resolutions, remember that whether you are hoping to become a more devoted Christian, get in shape, better manage your money, or finally accomplish something you’ve been putting off, you need our Savior’s help to see it through.
As Solomon says in Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.”
Happy New Year in Christ!

Glenda Anderson Leonard
Co-Founder & President

As we enter our 60th year of operation and look to impact the lives of more young men, we are asking everyone to keep an open ear and open heart to spread the word about the Paul Anderson Youth Home and connect us with the families of young men who are struggling with behavioral problems and issues of discipline, anger, and depression. Through our spiritual counseling, character development, and accelerated learning program, we share Christ with these young men. He is the one who transforms their lives for eternity.
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