These priorities are good and desirable, but none of them represent our primary objective. A changed life on Earth is only a temporary improvement, but the impact of a soul redeemed for eternity never diminishes. First and foremost, we want to see each of our young men come to know Jesus Christ as their savior. Only through His grace and mercy can a life be truly changed forever. By planting God’s Word in the hearts of our young men, we seek to provide every opportunity for a young man to come to know the Lord.
God tells us in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word shall not return to Him void, but will accomplish the purpose for which He sent it. This month He gave us a poignant reminder of this promise when 4 of our young men received Christ and were baptized here on campus. Through His transformative power, their lives will never be the same.
A changed life is PRICELESS![/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]
We are proud to announce that Travis finished the program and has entered the next phase of God’s plan for his life. Travis is preparing to start college in the fall studying airframe and powerplant mechanics, and in the meantime is working 3 part-time jobs to stay busy. His favorite one involves getting paid to fish! He’s also taken up hiking, is continuing the workout program he started at PAYH, and is active in his local church.
Unexpected Blessings
Sometimes God sees fit to bless us in unexpected ways. The Scriptures record numerous examples of this, such as when he provided mana for the Israelites in the wilderness. Recently, PAYH was the recipient of a similar blessing when Jason Varn of Koppers Utility & Industrial Products stopped by with an unsolicited $3,000 check. The local branch, which is about half a mile down the road from PAYH, held a fundraiser and chose to donate a portion of the proceeds to our ministry
Athens Y Camp
Twice a year our young men spend a week at the Athens Y Camp, where they help do various tasks around the campus such as trimming hedges, cleaning up limbs, and other seasonal tasks to prepare the campus for its busy season. They also had the opportunity to enjoy numerous outdoor activities, including ziplining, fishing, tubing, canoeing, swimming, and paintball.
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When Paul first had a vision to open the home in 1961, he undertook a bike ride from Vidalia, GA to Omaha, NE in order to raise funds to begin operation. To commemorate his historic ride, each year we select a group of young men to ride 500 miles, raising funds and awareness to continue Paul’s vision. This year our route will take us from Flagler Beach, FL up the coast to Savannah and then to Augusta before turning for home. To learn more about the ride and the young men riding in it, or to sponsor one of our young men on his journey, visit[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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