[vc_cta h2=”For Such a Time As This…”]Last month, at Tim’s Ford Lake near Winchester Tennessee, an eight year old boy was riding an inner tube being pulled behind a boat. When the tube crossed the wake of another boat, it flipped, and the child landed face-down and was rendered unconscious. Fortunately, a man named Brandon in a nearby boat witnessed this and went to assist. He pulled the boy from the water and began CPR. Brandon turned out to be the only one nearby who knew CPR, and ended up doing so for 30 minutes before the child expelled about a quart of water and regained consciousness. Shortly thereafter, he was placed in the care of emergency personnel and reunited with his family.
Had Brandon not been there to assist, it’s unlikely that the young man would have survived. However, God knew that this situation would occur before the foundation of the world, and placed Brandon there as a means of rescue. Years prior this incident, Brandon himself had also needed rescue, and through his time at Paul Anderson Youth Home, God provided Brandon with the help he needed.
None of us know the details of God’s plan for our lives, but we do know that as Christians He has called us to be agents of rescue to those who do not know Him, and to share His love and message of salvation with everyone we meet. Like Esther, we are called to make what difference we can; whatever the specifics of the situation, we can rest assured that God has placed us in it “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Bike Ride Recap
Over the course of 6 days, the PAYH young men and several guest riders made their way from Flagler Beach, Florida to Augusta, GA before heading back home. The heat was intense, and the wind was usually against them, but they persevered, riding 507 miles to complete the trip. The ride was both a media and fundraising success, garnering multiple TV and newspaper appearances and raising more than $140,000 to help further the PAYH mission.
Wings of Hope
At PAYH, we strive to teach our young men is the importance of giving back to their local communities. One of the ways this is accomplished is by giving them chance to put what they learn into practice. Each week, PAYH young men volunteer at the Wings of Hope Mission, operated by Lyons First United Methodist Church. There, they help those in need at the in-house food pantry, loading and carrying groceries for them. To learn more about this ministry, visit their Facebook page here.
Caleb’s Graduation
Two days after completing the PAYH Bike Ride, Caleb completed the PAYH program, graduating on July 22nd. At the ceremony, he spoke of his love for his family and his commitment to be the man he needs to be. Hear his story in his own words at payh.org/caleb.
Had Brandon not been there to assist, it’s unlikely that the young man would have survived. However, God knew that this situation would occur before the foundation of the world, and placed Brandon there as a means of rescue. Years prior this incident, Brandon himself had also needed rescue, and through his time at Paul Anderson Youth Home, God provided Brandon with the help he needed.
None of us know the details of God’s plan for our lives, but we do know that as Christians He has called us to be agents of rescue to those who do not know Him, and to share His love and message of salvation with everyone we meet. Like Esther, we are called to make what difference we can; whatever the specifics of the situation, we can rest assured that God has placed us in it “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Bike Ride Recap

Wings of Hope

Caleb’s Graduation

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