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[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”A New Sheriff in Town”]Our new Chief Operations Officer, Colonel Ken Vaughn, begins work this week and is planning to hit the ground running. With the full blessing of our founder, Glenda Anderson, Colonel Ken is committed to supporting Paul and Glenda’s intent for our home to be Christ-centered, striving for excellence in all we do. Founded on faith, strength, and discipline, Paul Anderson Youth Home is not a juvenile facility nor a prison farm, but an exceptional home, established by a champion, to give young men a second chance.
Speaking on his new role, Colonel Ken commented “I’m a big believer in Providence. After serving our nation for 32 years, I prayed that God would make me His instrument and give me the opportunity to continue to serve others. Through His perfect will, God has used my experience as an officer, volunteer, counselor, and father to prepare me for this role. I am grateful and humbled thatGod has called me to be here. The rest of my life starts right now.”
Please pray for God’s wisdom and blessing upon him as he transitions into his role and prepares to lead PAYH.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Hurricane Dorian
Our campus and young men were very blessed to be spared the destruction of Hurricane Dorian. There was no damage to our physical structures and no large trees were felled. However, for many people in harder-hit areas, the effects were anything but mild. The Bahamas suffered an especially large amount of damage, and relief efforts are currently underway. A number of organizations are involved, including Samaritans Purse. We ask that you join us in prayer for the thousands who have lost their homes and/or loved ones. Should you feel led, you can support the ongoing relief efforts at samaritanspurse.org.
Wings of Hope
On leave from the USMC, Barron, one our past young men, came to visit the PAYH young men. While he was with us, he took time to speak to the young men about duty, honor, his experience in the military, and how the discipline he learned at PAYHprepared him to become a Marine. He told the young men that they have an opportunity through Christ to make something of their lives, and to make a valuable contribution to society. Barron is set to deploy later this year.
Tait’s Graduation
We are incredibly proud of Tait and his achievement in finishing the PAYH program. His testimony is one of the best we’ve had the privilege to share. Tait went from living on the streets with no future to a life filled with new hope in Christ, as he was saved and baptized at PAYH this past May. Hear his incredible story in his own words atpayh.org/tait.
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As many of you know, it’s been 25 years since Paul Anderson was called home to be with the Lord. This October, we are celebrating Paul and Glenda’s life and ministry with a very special Founders’ Day. The program will begin with a special presentation by strong man Tim Fox, who will be performing such feats of strength as bending rebar, breaking baseball bats, and driving nails through boards with his hands (which was one of Paul’s favorite’s). Afterward, we will have a father / son softball game with the PAYH young men. Kids can play in the bouncy house and slide, and some of our staff will find themselves precariously perched above a dunking booth. A delicious dinner, catered by Papa Buck’s Barbecue, will close out the evening.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Upcoming Event: Christmas Play”]
As we look forward to the Christmas season, one of our favorite ways to celebrate God’s marvelous gift of His son is through our annual Christmas Dinner Theater, to be held December 5th & 6th at First Baptist Vidalia. During this time, guests will be treated to dinner and a special production of “It’s Never Too Late” showcasing our PAYH young men. Through them, we will get to know 3 soldiers from the Vietnam era: their hopes and dreams, Christ’s impact on their lives, and how through Him it’s never too late to make things right.
Limited seating available. For tickets, please visit payh.org/Christmas or call us at912-537-7237.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Speaking on his new role, Colonel Ken commented “I’m a big believer in Providence. After serving our nation for 32 years, I prayed that God would make me His instrument and give me the opportunity to continue to serve others. Through His perfect will, God has used my experience as an officer, volunteer, counselor, and father to prepare me for this role. I am grateful and humbled thatGod has called me to be here. The rest of my life starts right now.”
Please pray for God’s wisdom and blessing upon him as he transitions into his role and prepares to lead PAYH.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Hurricane Dorian

Wings of Hope

Tait’s Graduation

[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Upcoming Event: Founders’ Day”]

As we look forward to the Christmas season, one of our favorite ways to celebrate God’s marvelous gift of His son is through our annual Christmas Dinner Theater, to be held December 5th & 6th at First Baptist Vidalia. During this time, guests will be treated to dinner and a special production of “It’s Never Too Late” showcasing our PAYH young men. Through them, we will get to know 3 soldiers from the Vietnam era: their hopes and dreams, Christ’s impact on their lives, and how through Him it’s never too late to make things right.
Limited seating available. For tickets, please visit payh.org/Christmas or call us at912-537-7237.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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