This amazing performance in 1955 put Paul on the world map. Later that same year, he won the World Championship in Munich, Germany and in 1956 the Olympic Gold Medal in Melbourne, Australia. His notoriety throughout the world began with this competition in Moscow and the next week in St. Petersburg, then known as Leningrad. Glenda, Paula, and Stephen saw this weightlifting sight as well.
In the “Big House” on the PAYH campus, a drawing hangs on the wall of the second floor in a gallery of pictures and framed letters of Paul’s legacy. The drawing depicts Paul lifting a great weight with Jesus standing behind and over him with His Hands on the bar beside Paul’s. This drawing captures Paul’s self-description of his Gold Medal lift in the 1956 Olympics, found in the book A Greater Strength, Paul’s biography. It depicts the truth of Psalm 75:6-7, which Paul believed was the very reason he won The Gold Medal, even though weakened by a high fever which caused him to rapidly lose over 30 pounds in the short 13 days prior to his winning lift.
The Lord Jesus Christ assisted Paul in getting the winning weight overhead, answering Paul’s just prior vowed life-service-prayer to the King of Kings. It was an amazing lift, for Paul had failed in his first two attempts of the three allotted him. That same Jesus also lifts you up in the numerous vicissitudes of this life. Your lifting up by God is not necessarily as world-renowned as the case of Paul’s dramatic lift, but, nevertheless, it is just as critical to you in your own personal rescues by the Lord of Glory.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Will & Jackson

United Way Kickoff

Haiti Trip

While our main bike ride occurs every July, several of our riders continue to represent the PAYH Bike Ride year-round. Two of these, PAYH Bike Ride founder Mac Jordan and PAYH Director of Communications Stephen Nichols recently undertook a challenging mountain ride from Chattanooga to Atlanta along US Bike Route 21. While their intent was to camp their way down, they quickly ended up sleeping wherever they could find shelter after their tents were destroyed in a storm the first night. Still, they returned safely on September 29th, having successfully completed the trip.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Upcoming Event: Founders’ Day”]
As many of you know, it’s been 25 years since Paul Anderson was called home to be with the Lord. This October, we are celebrating Paul and Glenda’s life and ministry with a very special Founders’ Day. The program will begin with a special presentation by strong man Tim Fox, who will be performing such feats of strength as bending rebar, breaking baseball bats, and driving nails through boards with his hands (which was one of Paul’s favorite’s). Afterward, we will have a father / son softball game with the PAYH young men. Kids can play in the bouncy house and slide, and some of our staff will find themselves precariously perched above a dunking booth. A delicious dinner, catered by Papa Buck’s Barbecue, will close out the evening.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Upcoming Event: Christmas Play”]
As we look forward to the Christmas season, one of our favorite ways to celebrate God’s marvelous gift of His son is through our annual Christmas Dinner Theater, to be held December 5th & 6th at First Baptist Vidalia. During this time, guests will be treated to dinner and a special production of “It’s Never Too Late” showcasing our PAYH young men. Through them, we will get to know 3 soldiers from the Vietnam era: their hopes and dreams, Christ’s impact on their lives, and how through Him it’s never too late to make things right.
Limited seating available. For tickets, please visit or call us at912-537-7237.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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