According to Herodotus, the Persians boasted a force of 2.6 million, while the Greeks mustered a mere 5,200 to oppose them. How then were the Greeks able to stand against such overwhelming odds? The answer lies in the workings of the Greek phalanx – their formation of mutual defense. In the phalanx, each soldier’s shield helps to guard the man next to him, allowing disciplined soldiers to create a nearly impenetrable shield wall. In the right terrain, such as a narrow mountain pass, this formation can make defenders nearly invincible. However, it only works as long as each soldier does his duty, holds his ground, and Faces the Enemy.
Like the Ancient Greeks, we too are engaged in a very real war. God called Paul Anderson Youth Home into being in order to transform the lives of troubled young men and to give them a second chance through Christ, and that is extremely displeasing to the enemy. We are under constant assault intended to suppress our efforts and, if possible, destroy us. This is the nature of spiritual warfare, and PAYH is what in my Army days we called a “High Payoff Target.” Satan knows the ending of the story as well as we do; in the end, he is doomed. But just as we sometimes do in a hopeless fight or contest, he is determined, knowing he is ultimately going down to defeat, to take as many with him as possible.
To weather his relentless assault, we must stand together in formation as Christian soldiers, interlocking our “Shields of Faith” while wearing the “Full Armor of God” (Ephesians 6). Only then can we stand victorious. We must each do our part, and Face the Enemy with confidence. We must stare down the armies of Hell, repel their assault, and pay it back in kind. To do otherwise would be costly not only to us but also to those who stand with us on the battlefield. Like the Greeks, we face a dangerous and powerful foe that we could never defeat in open battle. Unlike the Greeks (who were eventually surrounded and overcome), our victory is assured, because we do not fight through our own power. God tells us in 1 John 4:4 that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” It is through this power, the power of Christ, that we fight, and WE WILL WIN!
God bless you.

Col. Ken Vaughn
Chief Operating Officer[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Stories from the Home”]Founders’ Day

Tour de Tugaloo

Paul Anderson Memorial Park

Brewton-Parker Southern Classic
Brewton-Parker College, South Georgia’s only Christian college south of Macon and north of Jacksonville, held its 3rd annual Southern Classic at Willow Lake Golf Club in Metter early last month. Advancement Officer Tim Ritchie sponsored the PAYH team and was joined by Chief Operating Officer Col. Ken Vaughn, Director of Communications Stephen Nichols, and Board Vice-Chair Fritz Olnhausen. Against all odds, they avoided coming in last place, and had a great time helping BPC reach its goal. This year’s tournament raised over $46,000 – more than double the previous year’s total. To learn more about BPC and the educational opportunities they provide to, visit
Glenda Rose
2008 alumnus Jonathan Carter and his wife Julie recently celebrated the birth of their 4th child, Glenda Rose Carter (“Rosie”). Stating that he owed so much to Glenda and PAYH for giving him a second chance, he noted “What better way to honor Glenda and her investment in me than to name my child after her? I am so very thankful for Glenda and Paul’s answer to God‘s call on their hearts. Their walk and sacrifice afforded me an opportunity to meet the Lord. My sincerest thanks to all those at PAYH, their prayers, and you donors for your part in the Lord’s work at the Home. The Lord has restored the years the locusts have eaten! Thanks be to God!”
Throughout his time at PAYH, Trevor was absolutely insistent that he didn’t know Christ. In early 2017, he finished the program and went his way, still an unbeliever. While it is our fervent desire that no young man leave our campus without knowing Christ, that decision is ultimately not in our hands. However, as Trevor now says, “the Holy Spirit is very persistent.” Several months after leaving the program, the seeds of the Gospel that had been planted in Trevor began to grow, and God changed his heart and saved his soul. Today, Trevor serves in the US Navy, has a wife and young daughter, and recently visited PAYH to share his testimonty about how he became a new creature in Christ with the current young men.[/vc_cta][vc_cta h2=”Upcoming Event: Christmas Play”]
As we look forward to the Christmas Season, one of our favorite ways to celebrate God’s marvelous gift of His Son is through our annual Christmas Dinner Theater, to be held December 5th & 6th at First Baptist Church Vidalia. During this time, guests will be treated to dinner and a special production of “It’s Never Too Late” showcasing our PAYH young men. Through them, we will get to know 3 soldiers from the Vietnam era: their hopes and dreams, Christ’s impact on their lives, and how through Him it’s never too late to make things right. Limited seating available. For tickets, please visit or call us at 912-537-7237. |
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