Hebrews 12:1 refers to the Christian walk as a race, and for those of us at PAYH, it has certainly felt like that at times. It’s been a busy month, as you’ll see as you read the stories below, but it’s also been a very successful month. We’ve seen wonderful testimonies in the lives of our young men, and tremendous financial success as the Lord has blessed us with not only a very strong end to 2018, but with positive finishes to both January and February.
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Georgia Baptist Healthcare Grant
We are thrilled to announce that the Georgia Baptist Healthcare Ministry Foundation has selected PAYH to receive a $50,000 grant. Our Director of Advancement, Bill Shepherd, received the check at the GBHCMF Grant Luncheon on February 7th. In their own words, “GBHCMF believes the Paul Anderson Youth Home ministry has demonstrated an active service that aligns with the GBHCMF’s core mission to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through the provision of direct health care services. For more than 100 years, the Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry has offered a ministry of healing to those in need.
Zion Concert
Our young men enjoyed a unique experience when Christian musician Zion came and gave an on-campus concert. He had the young men’s attention from beginning to end and unapologetically shared God’s message of salvation. Through his lyrics and music, the Word of God was clearly communicated, and we believe many seeds were planted in their hearts that evening.
Teen Maze
3 of our young men (Stearne, Travis, and Lane) shared their testimonies at this month’s Teen Maze at FBC Vidalia. While all of their stories were powerful, Travis’ story especially resonated with the listeners as he told of a time when his friends wanted him to sneak out with them to party one night. Travis was unable to get free, and it ultimately saved his life as the friends he would have been traveling with were both killed in an accident that evening.
Southern Choices Day Center
We were blessed to have the residents of Southern Choices Day Center on campus this month for a tour and to visit with our young men. They seemed to truly enjoy themselves, and many had never been on our campus before. To learn more about Southern Choices Day Center and what they do, visit their Facebook page or their website at southernchoices.org
SOAPS “Spayghetti” Dinner
The Sweet Onion Animal Protection Society (SOAPS) hosted a “spayghetti” dinner last week to raise money to provide for spaying and neutering dogs and cats in need. For over 30 years SOAPS has been helping dogs and cats in Toombs and surrounding counties find adoptive homes as well as various other services for animals in need. Learn more at sweetonionaps.org.

This year we are hosting the 26th annual Paul Anderson Golf Classic at the River Club in North Augusta, SC. Over the past 26 years this tournament has provided several million dollars in revenue and has been a major part of our operating budget. To learn more, or to register a team, visit payh.org/golf.
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