988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
The 988 provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you, or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
Text the number 988 to chat with someone or visit the website at https://988lifeline.org/
Teens: What is a Healthy Romance?
Photo credit: Morgan Sessions View original Christian Media Magazine article here. May 16, 2015 by Drew Read We are designed to be in a relationship. So there is no surprise the temptation can be strong to use a boyfriend or girlfriend to fill a void in your life. You may think »
Are you a Super Mom?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Do you believe in Spiderman or Superman? If you do, maybe you should disregard this post and video. Supermom falls under the same category. The expectations are high. We are expected to have: Meals prepared to perfection, warm, and table set Kids up, dressed, fed, and family devotion and »
Christian Home & School Magazine
Follow the attached link to read the article "Good Decisions Start with Healthy Identities".
Kids and Eye Contact
What’s up with kids and eye contact today? Are kids becoming interpersonally 1. less comfortable and 2. less adept as a result of the computer age? Bruce Feiler (New York Times) raises some worrisome concerns in this recent piece. It should make all parents of growing children (and adolescents) sit »
Be a better parent – It’s never too late
Do you want to be a better parent? If you see where your problems lie, please do not be discouraged. I know the tendency is to think, "I see where I have been a terrible parent. My teenager is a mess, and the situation is hopeless." No, it is not »
Hands on or hands off parent? Does it matter?
Protecting your child from harm is the most important duty you will face during the teenage years. Research from Columbia University reveals that parents who exert their parental authority by taking a “hands-on approach to raising their children not only have a better relationship with their children, but also reduce their child's risk of harming themselves with drugs and alcohol.
Meaningful Conversations with Your Children
Whenever I write a parenting article, I am reminded of how little I have it all together. I am writing this article on the heels of one of my poorer parenting moments at the dinner table with family around. I do so love exposing my flaws to all. So, today »
Meaningful Ways to Talk to Your Kids
Talk to your children in a meaningful way! Here are a few tips on how to get started.
What To Expect When You’re Expecting Adolescents
The New York Times Magazine ran a long piece on raising adolescents recently, entitled “Raising Teenagers: The Mother of All Problems. It was written by Oxford-educated writer Rachel Cusk, whose colleagues and acquaintances grimace when she tells them her daughters are 16 and 14. It paints an alternately dispiriting and disturbing picture »
Parentology – The Sweet Sixteen
In trying to think of a clever title to match a topic gaining media attention, it hit me: Hey, it’s NCAA tournament time, why not Parentology! After all, people all over are predicting and filling out their brackets (bracketology). They are studying match-ups and quickly making decisions of who will »
Epigenetics 1; Nature Versus Nurture 0
Is it nature or nurture that determines development? Psychologists have known for some time now that this question is too binary and simplistic. The effects of genetic inheritance and environment are complex and interrelated. One can affect the other, and set off a chain of effects. In this Wall Street »
How to Spot Dangerous Behaviors (and what to do about them)
Youth leaders and parents of teens realize that pornography, sex and drugs are no longer reserved for the “bad crowd. These behaviors are now seen as normal in youth culture. Our youth are faced with compromising decisions on a daily basis and it’s important to identify risk factors and address »