By Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret.

All Hallows Eve
“You believe that there is One God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder.”James 2:19

It rolls around every year at the end of October, interestingly, the day before Reformation Day. But Halloween is so much more well-known in the world. Why not? It presents lots of candy and excitement for children and their parents.

Christian parents participate along with many non-Christian folk. Costumes range from fairy princesses to pirates. Some try to be scary and wear “scream” masks, or dress as they think a demon would look like, not knowing that demons masquerade as “angels of light,” or can look like any ordinary person.

I am not against Christians taking their children trick or treating. But it is a great opportunity to teach them about “the powers of darkness.” Demons and The Devil are real, just not seen! Children need to know that and guard against any undue influence in their lives. Teach them from Ephesians 6 and elsewhere in the Bible and, particularly, the Christians’ armor to protect against Satan and his host of demons. 

I had a good friend from the Caribbean who taught his children by going through the Christian armor piece by piece every morning before they went to school. That is an excellent practice. 

One thing parents should guard against is glorifying demons or scary human monsters who wreak havoc and mayhem on many other human beings in the Halloween movies. Such can be done by choosing non-evil costumes for them to wear. Use every opportunity, as in Deuteronomy 5, to instruct your children in the faith. Do it with regard to your Halloween participation.

When my youngest child was “trick or treating” with us, holding his hand at one house, which was eerily decorated, the woman of the house let loose with a very, very loud “witch cackle or cry.” He was 4-5 years old, and it scared him so much that he hid his eyes in my shoulder, and I had to carry him the rest of the evening. Of course, nightmares followed that experience. 

Satan and his demons are real. As Ephesians 6 begins with the command for children to obey their parents, it then instructs you with the reality of dark demonic rulers and cosmic authorities, “spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.” Children need to know about not only their enemy, but about their armor of protection from this enemy! They must be able to put it on by faith and trust. So do their adult parents. 

Instruct your children in putting a lie to these very real dark forces in the universe, on planet Earth, in the “present” of their lives. This is all motivation to exercise the Christians’ armor. Be strong in the LORD and in His overcoming power!


“Sure I must fight if I would reign: increase my courage, LORD; I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain, supported by Thy Word.”
(4the verse of Isaac Watts’ hymn, “Am I a Soldier of the Cross,” 1724)

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