By Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret.

“Humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7

You do not often think of humility in trouble, possibly because the trouble has already weighed so heavily upon you that you think you are humbled by it naturally. But is this really true?

No. I think not. When weighed down by heavy trouble, you are normally assailing something or everything, or someone or everyone, including yourself, and even, the devil. “The devil made me do it,” or more accurately, “The devil brought all this upon me.”

Yes, if you can’t accuse something or someone, you can actually see, for the “evil” which has come upon you, the next most obvious one is Satan! But have you thought to think of the most powerful One as your “assailant?” 

Of course not! God would never be the cause of my grave troubles, of my severe valley, whether it is a near fatal health problem, or a terrible accident, even permanent paralysis, or debilitating cancer, or a disability that renders you to use the aid of a cane or wheelchair. Maybe, loss of your senses, such as sight or hearing. Or, financial stress which brings you near poverty. Or the dissolution of your marriage or even the grievous loss of a child. Whatever it may be, who is to blame?

Surely, the trouble has humbled me. Or has it? Until you struggle with the right answer: God! He has visited me for His own purposes, to increase my faith, to draw me unto Himself, to cause me to be whom I ought to be. 

Then it is that you accept it with a complete submission and a maturing faith, and look earnestly for God’s loving purpose in it for your good. Then it is that you know humility when you genuinely accept God’s mighty hand in directing the course of your life. 

This is what 1 Peter 5:6-7 is all about! It is some trouble, some serious trouble, from which you must be lifted up. It is the kind of trouble that raises your anxiety level to the very highest state. 

God is the sovereign God. He is the only One who is sovereign in the whole universe. Our God is who He is. God! And He is the One who determines the end result of all things. 

All trouble comes ultimately from His mighty hand. And it is this same mighty hand in which your deliverance rests! 

Until you come seemingly to the end of your rope, and willingly accept God’s sovereign will in it, you do not really know true humility. It is such humility which draws you nearest to God. 

This is the humility which makes you cling to the Savior, becoming more and more like Him. You realize you have no other course. He is your only way out, the only way through, the only One who can actually deliver you!

He brings the trouble, but He also is your salvation. Job eventually saw this truth. He realized that it was ultimately God’s hand that weighed so heavily upon Him. But God, His God, would ultimately bless him with double what was before. 

Your “double” reward may be reserved for heaven, but may also come in this life. Nevertheless, God will do it! The assurance of your humility is that God will be your Father, and love you as His own child. Therefore, cast all your care on Him! Faith alone, in Him, on His promises, will allow you the strength to do this. 

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me! Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23) Deliver me, O God. Make my path straight. I walk freely in the path You have set for me. 

“When through the deep waters I call you to go, the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; for I will be with you, your troubles to bless, and sanctify to you your deepest distress. 


“When through the deep waters I call you to go, the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; for I will be with you, your troubles to bless, and sanctify to you your deepest distress.
When through fiery trials your pathway shall lie, my grace all sufficient, shall be your supply; the flame shall not hurt you; I only design your dross to consume and your gold to refine.”
(3rd and 4th verses of Anonymous Hymn from Rippon’s Selection of Hymns, “How Firm a Foundation,” 1787)

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