New Life
A few weeks ago, we were startled and awakened by the shrill sound of our phone. It was our granddaughter who tearfully informed us that her brother’s dearest friend had been killed by a hit-and-run driver as he was out walking. They had gone through grade school and high school together and were close to graduating college. As the shock began to set in, we wondered, “How could this be?” The more important question we know to ask as Christians is, “Did he know Jesus?”
For many years I have told our young men that I pray they will be miserable if they are not living for the Lord. Recently an alumnus from the ’80s confirmed that the Lord had answered my prayer in his life. He said, “Glenda, I remember you telling us you prayed that prayer with the hope that it would be answered by our returning to Christ instead of living a life of emptiness.” I’m glad to know it worked. I’d rather him be miserable on Earth a few years than to be miserable for all eternity, separated from God.
Easter is a sign of new life, as we can see with the foliage of our trees and azaleas in full bloom. Last year my message was entitled “Will I see you in Heaven?” This will be my question until the Lord takes me home. However, my constant prayer is that when a young man leaves the Home, he is better able to recognize the enemy’s tactics. In our PAYH family, they learn most of all about Jesus and His life-giving sacrifice, about the Holy Spirit’s constant presence to enable us to make good choices, and most of all about God the Creator, our Triune Heavenly Father who loves us more than words can ever convey.
So often, there are those who think they must understand everything, but the fact is there is much we will never understand. When I go in for surgery, I know I don’t understand the latest surgical techniques. I don’t have any wisdom to offer the doctor as to how he should proceed. When it comes down to it, I really have one decision to make — whether or not to trust the doctor. Similarly, we can never know or understand the intricacies of creation or how God’s perfect plan will one day come to fruition. We simply must to choose to trust Him.
This Easter, I pray you will make it your spiritual goal to seek God to the point that you know truth because you have come to know Him personally. When you do, you will never be the same. Life will be new and renewed! Then, if you are suddenly called home as this precious young man was, your family will be able to say the same thing his family can: He has a new life today, for He is with his Savior Jesus Christ.
For him, this Easter will last for all eternity.
In Christ,

Glenda Anderson Leonard
President and Co-Founder
As we celebrate 60 years of operation and look to impact the lives of more young men, we are asking everyone to keep an open ear and open heart to spread the word about the Paul Anderson Youth Home and connect us with the families of young men who are struggling with behavioral problems and issues of discipline, anger, and depression. Through our spiritual counseling, character development, and accelerated learning program, we share Christ with these young men. He is the one who transforms their lives for eternity.
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