Success Stories

Success Stories2021-03-18T20:02:27+00:00


When I was 13 I started drinking and partying with my friends.  Not long after that, I started using marijuana as well.  Pretty soon this spiraled out of control, and I found myself stealing to support my habit.  I dropped out of school, stopped playing football, and severely damaged my relationship with the »


The history of the Paul Anderson Youth Home is rich with amazing people who have given much. It is a wealth of success stories of boys who came to us broken and in need but went on to become assets to their communities, fathers and husbands, successful businessmen, and »


Within one month of turning thirteen years old, Jonathan became a man. At least, that’s what he thought. He had his first experience with alcohol, lost his virginity, and tried pot. To Jonathan, this made him grown up. More than that, he saw marijuana as an opportunity. He was a smart kid and understood smoking pot could be expensive - unless you bought enough to sell. By selling, Jonathan could accomplish three things all at once: he could make money, get high for free and be popular.

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