By Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret.

“Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.’ “ 2 Peter 3:3-4

Propagandists abound in our world. They have an abundance of liars among them, or at least they themselves listen and pass on what, even unwittingly, they receive from the “father of lies,” Satan. They can convince you with their arguments in such a way that you want to believe what they say.

In 2 Peter 3, the propagandists are correctly labeled “scoffers.” But they do not always appear to the average listener to be scoffers. They are called such because it is really God whom they scoff against, even though it is Moses, or Isaiah, or Matthew, or Paul who spoke the words drawing their scoffing. These prophets and apostles speak for God; they speak and write His very words.

In this case, Moses records what Noah did and spoke to prepare for the universal flood on the earth. And then the flood came and destroyed all, except for 8 human beings, and lots of animals.

Peter tells us there were propagandists who tried to convince their audience that the flood never happened; and, because it did not, you cannot believe the prophesy that the end of the world, including Jesus’ return and the destruction of the world by fire, will happen.

They said, “Where is the promise of his coming?” And they say, “the world continues unchanged from the beginning to the present.” Therefore, the prophecies talking about Jesus’ return and the destruction of the world by fire are false. Many will believe their scoffing-propaganda. They, consequently, will have no fear of God, which transforms their lives. They will not be confronted with that which will remold their hearts.

Peter writes as one who firmly believes what God says. His Word informs everything Peter writes. Peter is a conveyor of truth because he has seen, heard, touched, and handled the one who claims to be the way, the truth, and the life, even Jesus Christ.

Propaganda never can go up against the Almighty God and His Son and win. God exposes propaganda for what it is. It is for you to have the discernment by faith to yourself distinguish good from evil. If you know God’s voice, you will always follow His voice.

Your ears should pick up the marks of propaganda, which is constantly squawking for your attention. Giving propaganda your ear is a valuable waste of your time, a danger if it is believed, and it takes away from the truth which demands your all.

Do not give the scoffers any of your time, but focus on the Bread of Life. Bind your hearing to the God of truth and the Lord of Lords, and prepare yourself for His coming.


“You are the living Truth! All wisdom dwells in You, the Source of every skill, the one eternal TRUE! O great I AM! In You we rest, sure answer to our every quest.”

(3rd verse of Margaret Clarkson’s hymn, “We Come O Christ to You,” 1957)

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