
homes for at risk youth

Aching for Perfect Peace

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." - Isaiah 26:3 Your mind is the essence of a conscious, thinking you! You think, you perceive, you converse, you feel, you hurt, you enjoy, you love, you hate, you ignore, all through the »

A Fixed Chasm

"And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us." - Luke 16:19-31 Jesus tells a parable about a rich man and a »

Not My Kid

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in recent years, you’re probably aware of the rampant prevalence of drugs and alcohol in our culture. Whether you realize it or not, many of your friends, family, and acquaintances struggle with substance abuse and addiction, and the celebration of the casual use »

The Reason Jesus Wept

"And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, 'Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set »

We Have No King but Caesar

"They cried out, 'Away with him, away with him, crucify him!' Pilate said to them, 'Shall I crucify your King?" The chief priests answered, 'We have no king but Caesar.'" – John 19:15 So said the chief priests and religious leaders of the Jews at Jesus' trial. Pretty remarkable statement »

From Time to Timelessness

"Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." - Luke 23:43 Every day we hear about many of our fellow human beings who have just experienced the mysterious transition from time to timelessness. Mysterious, that is, for any who have not yet crossed that river. Today, »

Saint Patrick

"To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory." - Colossians 1:27 Not much is known about his life and ministry, but the fruits of St. Patrick's ministry have withstood the tests of »

Finish the Race

Last week, 413 of you came out to support the Paul Anderson Youth Home at our Second Annual Chick-fil-A Road Race, and I have to say, I was so impressed! First of all, it started at 8:00 on a Saturday morning (the one day of the week you can sleep »

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