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Mere Shepherds

We know very little about these shepherds, who as a group, of whatever number, are the best known shepherds in history. The nativity story has few details in it of which many ask questions and wonder concerning the authentic answers. General imprecise knowledge of the culture of the first century »

Mary, Did You Know?

Martin Luther in one of his Christmas sermons on the Incarnation preached: “Wherefore, Saint Bernard declared there are here three miracles: that God and man should be joined in this Child; that a mother should remain a virgin; that Mary should have such faith as to believe that this mystery »

Exasperating Teenagers

The exasperating teen years, exasperating at least from parents’ perspective, was front and center in the October issue of National Geographic. Blazoned on its cover the title read: “The New Science of the Teenage Brain; but try as I might, reading the article several times, highlighting and mulling over the conclusions of the author, I frankly could not find anything NEW.

Is One Worth It All? will be the memory of ONE. . . . . . . and then another ONE. . . . . . .and another; each worthy of the cost of the years of labor and years of keeping on when all seemed for naught. And if it is God’s will, there will be ONE more in the future, if God keeps the vision and work of the PAYH alive.

Getting Old Ain't Fun

Growing old is an inevitable condition besetting us all, and regardless of the amount of money we may spend on reversing the perpetual stream of wrinkles, worn out parts, and a rapidly expanding energy deficit, the march into the clutches of old age is relentless.

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