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Living in an Atmosphere of Lies

The disciple of the Lord Jesus must hold the truth dear and seek truth not only in what he says, but in what he hears and receives as truth. Lying and liars are assured of falling, having their mouths eventually stopped and ultimately receiving their just punishment according to the Word of the Lord.

Is It Hot Enough Yet?

If the days of too hot sun and heat can become a physical reminder of the spiritual desert of your soul, then as you pursue a cool drink of water, or a plunge in the pool, or the inside air-conditioning, you should be reminded that these physical “inconveniences and “refreshments are comparatively trivial; but the life-giving and reviving Spirit is paramount in your life now!

The Deafness of God

I have twin nine year old grandsons who in somewhat typical fashion for their age can shut out your voice even though you are standing right next to them when you speak. You have to get a hold of their face, turn it toward you, make eye contact, and then speak….read my lips. You know what I am talking about. This is just how we are before our Father God.

The Blush Test

Blushing most often describes a reaction to something with a physical manifestation—a red face! But our souls can blush as well, especially when we are alone and not in the company of others, and we are ashamed. It is a good thing to have the conscience and the heart to blush.

Father's Day Revisited

Father’s Day has been a time for giving thanks to fathers who in some measure have followed the example of the Heavenly Father; but it ought to be more fittingly a day of repentance. For those fathers willing to see the facts in front of their eyes it is never too late to do something about the failures of the past. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Jesus said it, and He meant it.

Your Susceptibility To Lies

Whatever you do in life, and wherever you go, and at any given moment lies are lurking because your Enemy is lurking. It is the very reason Jesus persistently pointed out the antidote to lies to His disciples. In one key instance for theirs and your own ears He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me. If you are to discern lies from truth, and good from evil, you must EVER be pursuing your relationship with Jesus; loving, obeying; obeying, loving; they are interchangeable!

Delicious Evil

The literal reading of our Lord’s prayer is not only “deliver us from evil, but deliver us from the evil, that is, the evil one. He is a stalker, your stalker. You may not sense his presence, especially if he does not see you pursuing righteousness anyway. But do NOT forget this one thing. Jesus was and is the victor over the evil one. Your victory rests nowhere else.

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