homes for troubled youth near me

Emotional challenges that parents will face when their teen is recovering from an addictive disease

Part 3 of facing your teen’s addiction Substance abuse hinders emotional development in teens. This is due to the psychoactive effects of drugs on the emotional center (limbic system) in the brain. All drugs of abuse change how this part of the brain functions. Teens learn that using drugs and »

Social challenges that parents face when their teen is recovering from an addictive disease

Part 2 of facing your teen’s addiction One of the indications of addiction is the extent to which one’s life becomes organized around using drugs or alcohol. For addicted teens, there is almost always a well-defined sub-culture of friends, associates, parties, and rituals that becomes the center of their social »

How Parents can take an active role in their teen’s recovery from addictive disease?

Part 1 of facing your teen’s addiction During illness, good parents instinctively attend to their children’s needs and provide an ample supply of love and comfort. As the child recovers, family life quickly returns to normal. Unfortunately, it’s not the same when a teen becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. »

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