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Is That Really True?

Every day in our technologically advanced world we receive (it might be more accurate to say we are flooded with) information which we will accept, filter, or reject. There doesn’t even have to be an immediate decision what you do with it; information purposefully sifted and tucked away or not even dealt with when heard can still influence your thinking somewhere down the road, framing your perceptions rightly or wrongly.


The history of the Paul Anderson Youth Home is rich with amazing people who have given much. It is a wealth of success stories of boys who came to us broken and in need but went on to become assets to their communities, fathers and husbands, successful businessmen, and »

Amiable Agnostic?

"The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’" Psalm 14:1 There is a dramatic and growing increase in the number of "nones" in the polls which seek to determine the religious demographics of America; that is, those who respond "none" to the question, "With what part of »

Hide and Seek

"Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." Romans 10:11 When my oldest daughter was two years old, she and I were playing hide and seek in the walled back yard of our Edinburgh, Scotland home. It was her turn to hide, and she couldn't find a »

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