By Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret.

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for of such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

Are you, as an adult, able to observe the character of a little child? Parents are very often the human source of face-to-face witness of children’s character. But the far greater witness is the heavenly Father who brought them into being, and the LORD Jesus who said, “Let the little children come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Those who do not fully appreciate the ready ears of small children to actually hear the words of wisdom, and see they are truly able to come unto Jesus and learn of Him, are woefully unobservant. As little children, 2 to 12, not often counted as very important as the adults who surround them, they are enabled to come unto Him, unimpeded by those adults who may remain in unbelief. These little ones have humility. They will believe, in that humbleness, what their parents teach them, and in turn what they witness as they see the obedience to God in their parent’s lives.

Jesus well knows the nature of little children, and it is true even if parents do not appreciate it nor treasure it as they should, to lead their own beloved children onto Jesus’ lap and close to His heart!

This is the responsibility of every parent. The warning is clear; however, if they do not seek to bring them to Jesus, but instead lead them into sin, it would be better if a heavy weight were hung around their necks and they were drowned in the deepest waters of the sea (Matthew 18).

Parents have a heavy responsibility upon them. They have no choice. If they are blessed with children, God gives them a clear directive in Matthew 18. What if it gets in their way of living life how they desire? Then, you must be cognizant of this fact; life is intended for only one purpose: becoming fit for the kingdom of heaven!

Eternity awaits for the true blessing of life; this current short life is intended for eternal fitness. And that fitness comes through your relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. Which means, as a parent, that you lead your children into relationship with Him.

Every parent must be seriously knowledgeable about the warning of Matthew 18 and the potential of a millstone being placed around their neck. No one wants to undergo the awful experience of drowning and that even continuously in the punishment and eternal pain of hell.

You cannot say that God was reticent to warn you. His warnings were very clear. But then equally, so were His promises to parents: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Every warning of God is accompanied by His blessed promises for the opposite behavior.


“Happy the home where Jesus’ Name is sweet to every ear; when children early lisp His fame, and parents hold him dear.”

(2nd verse of Henry Ware, Jr.’s hymn, “Happy the Home When God Is There,” 1794-1843)

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