Nick Ewart of Lowell, In., didn’t expect to be living his current life. The husband and father is a successful electrician, living a relatively peaceful life many aspire to build. His determination to be a solid family man is heavily impacted by the feeling of familial love he experienced at Paul Anderson Youth Home.

At 18, Nick’s poor attitude, anger issues, and constant clashes with his parents led him to legal trouble. A family friend suggested Paul Anderson Youth Home, and his parents decided it was the right place for him.

“I needed help,” Nick said.

He also agreed, but his biggest hurdle was coming to grips with the cause of all of his problems.

“Think about all the situations you’re in, all the poor decisions you made, all the trouble you get yourself in, the common denominator is you,” Nick said.

Looking inward was difficult, but it forced him to face the challenge. Adjusting to the Home was difficult at first, given his problems with rebellion and anger. Nick found following the rules and adhering to the strict discipline of PAYH challenging. The message broke through eventually, as he slowly realized the Home was setting him up for success in life.

From there, Nick fully embraced the program, ultimately participating in the annual PAYH Bike Ride. The week-long, 500-mile bicycle marathon raises much-needed support for the Home.

“It’s definitely one of my favorite memories of my two years there. The feeling of accomplishment meant a lot to me,” he added.

After graduation, Nick spent some time in college but decided trade school was a better fit, and he pursued electrician training. After completion, he served two internships and is currently a lead maintenance technician, performing electrical and plumbing work.

He credits the spiritual lessons he learned at PAYH for strengthening his marriage and his relationship with his wife and son, who recently celebrated his first birthday.

Nick is one of six distinguished alumni recognized by the youth home as true success stories, living productive and positive lives, and being named “Gold Medalists for Life.”

For a troubled youth who might benefit from Paul Anderson Youth Home, Nick offers some advice.

“You are the one getting yourself in trouble, but you’re also the one who can get you out of it at Paul Anderson Youth Home,” Nick said.

The PAYH success stories span decades, with graduates found all over the country. For more information about Paul Anderson Youth Home or to donate, call (912) 537-7237 or visit

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