Come Alive This Easter
By Jeff Padgett, Ph.D.
John 14:19, “A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also.”
2 Corinthians 5:15, “He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.”
The night before Jesus Christ was crucified, He made an odd statement that no one understood. He said, “In a little while, the world will no longer see Me. But you’re going to see Me because I am alive, and you’re about to come alive.” What in the world did He mean? They’re thinking, “We’re already alive. What does He mean when He says, ‘You’re about to come alive?’”
Easter is about coming alive. Jesus Christ proved He was who He said He was. He said, “I’m God. I’m going to let them kill Me on a cross. I’m going to be buried in the ground for three days, and then I’m going to bring Myself back to life to prove I am who I say I am.”
Most that know the Easter story know that part of the story. What most people don’t know is the second part of the story. That involves you & I. “He included everyone in His death so everyone could be included in His life. A far better life than people lived on their own.”
But what if there was something more? What if, beyond the good life, there was a better life? What if you were missing out on something that you didn’t even know? What if God had intended more than just the good life for you, but He intended the better life. Wouldn’t you want to know about it? Of course, you would, and so would I.
We often settle for less because we don’t know that there’s anything better.
My parents fed me Gerber’s Strained Spinach when I was a baby. I thought it was yummy! Why? Because I didn’t know any better. Of course, today, I think it tastes horrible. But at the time, I didn’t know any better than to eat strained spinach.
When I came to grade school age, I learned about Spaghetti-Os. That was a definite step up from strained spinach. When I became a teenager, I learned about Burgers. Now we’re talking! There is definitely something better in life.
Of course, today I’ve tasted lots of great foods. Trust me, if you saw me, you’d know I look like I’ve tasted a lot of food! Waayyyy more than I should! But I would never go back to strained spinach. No way! I have tasted something better.
I believe God wants to let you in on a little secret. There is something better. There’s way, way more than just the good life. That’s ok, but there’s far more than that. You were made for more than just The good life – looking good, feeling good, having the goods. That’s ok, but that’s not all there is to life. There’s way more than that. There’s a better life. A better life that is found in Jesus Christ.
The difference is, not only can you live a better life on earth, but it extends to a matchless life in eternity. One that “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

Volunteer Spotlight
The pool of volunteers at PAYH comes to us from all walks of life, with many talents and abilities to offer our young men. One gentleman, in particular, is Al “Oggie” Medlock, who trains our young men in the art of woodworking.
Oggie, a native of Savannah, has lived in Montgomery County since the mid-’80s. He retired from construction management in 2010. He volunteers his time by teaching our young men to turn wood and create such items as writing pens and various wooden bowls.
We here at PAYH are incredibly grateful to have Oggie giving his time and effort to pour into our young men. If you want to see more of his work, you can find him on Facebook under “Oggie’s Originals.”

Chick-Fil-A Vidalia Road Race Recap
Our annual CFA Run Benefit for PAYH, WinShape Camps and Vidalia Heritage Academy was an absolute blast! We had such a great time coming together as a community, getting healthier and supporting a great cause. To all who supported, whether via monetary, supplies, volunteering or even just being an encouragement to us, we want to thank you!

29th Annual Paul Anderson Golf Classic
This year, the Paul Anderson Youth Home celebrates its 60th Anniversary. For 29 years, the Paul Anderson Golf Classic has been one of our key events. Through your generosity, this tournament has raised over 7 million dollars to help change the lives of young men, offer them second chances, and introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Ways to Donate
Just as you and your family have been impacted by Covid-19, the boys who attend this program face additional challenges that quarantine, illness of loved ones and emotional turbulence add to their lives. It is our hope to renew their sense of stability through the work of the Home. Please help us continue our ministry through a donation. Click here from your phone or computer. You can also text priceless to 41444 to donate.
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