A Word To The Wise
By Dr. Jeff Padgett
Matthew 2:1-12, “1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod, the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, ‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.
These wise men were looking for a sign they knew was coming. They weren’t believers, but spiritual people realizing & interpreting the time in which they lived.
It’s interesting how we have a different mindset of how the nativity scene is today (which I believe should be put up on all government property–that’s my view on it). At the birth of Jesus, the wise men weren’t there. The trip the Magi took was estimated to be approximately 1,000 miles from Persia. It took from 6-9 months to make the trip. They traveled across the desert. When they got there, they were covered in sand and extremely dirty. They were men of science. They studied the stars.
They were following a star. A star so bright it even shone in the day. As they followed the star, they stopped by Jerusalem. (our modern-day Washington, D.C.) They just assumed that the star would lead them to the Jewish capital. They knew a King was about to be born, so they assumed they would find Him in the most important city. This upset Herod because the Magi were looking for the King of the Jews, and Herod had been given that title by the Roman Senate in 40 B.C.
They must have had preconceived ideas about how Jesus was born. No Jerusalem, but Bethlehem; No palace, but a stable; no robes of royalty, but rags. In spite of all this, they didn’t quit. They still worshipped Him and presented Him with gifts.
Have you ever been disappointed because God showed up in a way you didn’t expect? We need to learn 3 things from these wise men:
- Wise men keep seeking and searching – Faith is a journey, not a destination! We have to keep going after God. The wise men presented their gifts to Him. Today, we present our gifts to each other. Why don’t we seek out the will of God and present our treasure to Him?
- Wise men make first-hand discoveries – Jesus wants you to discover Him for yourself, not through someone else. God has no grandchildren. He wants a relationship with you. Period!
- Wise men don’t quit – They didn’t let the disappointment of Jerusalem keep them from Bethlehem. Following stars sometimes leads to stables. God is most often in the stables.

SEPC’s Partnership With PAYH
The partnership with SEPC (The Southeast Produce Council) goes above and beyond just financial support. SEPC pours into our guys by sending gentlemen to teach our AG business class multiple times this year. A special thanks to John Cameron, Senior Director of Sales at NatureSweet, Mark Daniels, the Retail Director of the Idaho Potato Commission, and Mark Shuman, Director of Operations at Shuman Farms. Thank you, SEPC, for your leadership and support.

Wonderful News!
Originally, we mentioned that 2 of our young men have recently given their lives to Christ! We’re adding one more in there that has been snatched from the claws of the enemy! THREE YOUNG MEN HAVE GIVEN THEIR HEARTS TO GOD! Planting the Word is non-negotiable, as our mission is first to see that the plan of salvation is laid out for the young men. Our goal is to lead them to Jesus and disciple them as God gives us the wisdom and direction on how we should reach each young man at the point of their need. Praise God for His transforming power!

Thank You
Thank you to those who gave on November 29th during our #givingtuesday event. We raised a total of $62,305.00 through pledges and contributions!
And a special thank you to the Spivey Orthopedic Clinic, Dewberry Foundation, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Evans for your matching donation!

2023 Chick-fil-A Road Race
It is so hard to believe that the 2023 Chick-fil-A Road Race is right around the corner. It was an amazing last year with lots of fun for all ages. The proceeds go to benefit PAYH, Vidalia Heritage Academy, WinShape Camps. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get out and get some exercise and make new friends in the community. We’ll see you at the finish line!

From all of us here at PAYH to all of you, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May the peace of our Savior Jesus Christ rest on your home and in your hearts, as it does here at PAYH.
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