Vision 2020
2020 Vision! It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about an individual, family, organization, or nation; everyone needs a plan and a purpose. The Bible itself makes this clear in Proverbs 28:18, in which Solomon tells us “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” A vision is meant to define what we hope to be and achieve in the long-term. It sets a goal and helps give meaning and inspiration to our work, giving us something to strive for.
So what is my vision for Paul Anderson Youth Home? I might shock you by telling you that I don’t have one, or at least that I don’t have a new one. What we have instead is simple – Paul Anderson’s original vision. In 1961 Paul and Glenda felt a call to help transform the lives of troubled young men, to plant God’s Word in their hearts, and to introduce them to Jesus Christ. As Paul once noted in his autobiography, “Our ethics will never change, but our methods must.”
We’re here today to do the same thing that Paul and Glenda first set out to do – to make disciples of these young men and bring them into God’s Kingdom. Some of the methods have indeed changed as Paul said they would. That’s why we now have things like a fully accredited high-school, a vocational program, substance abuse treatment, counseling, and a host of other services. Each of these initiatives supports our work, but they all must take second place to this overarching fact – Jesus Christ was, is, and always will be the foundation of this ministry!
So as we begin 2020, it is my hope that you’ll join with me in “praying without ceasing” (1st Thessalonians 5:17). I would encourage you to open your day with supplication to God, just as our young men and staff do each morning. Ask Him to continue to give us clarity of thought through the Mind of Christ (1st Corinthians 2:16), and thank Him for the many blessings He has poured out for you and for the Paul Anderson Youth Home. I’m looking forward to seeing what God has planned for the coming year.
Our vision for the future is 2020!

Col. Ken Vaughn
Chief Operating Officer
Stories from the Home
13th Annual Paul Anderson Christmas Dinner Theater

Nearly 700 guests joined us for dinner and the performance of “It’s Never Too Late,” written and produced by Vidalia’s own Suzanne Dixon. The story began in 1969 during the Vietnam War and told the stories of 3 veterans, one of whom was a PAYH alumnus. They shared their hopes and dreams with one another and promised to reconnect 50 years later. In the process, they learned that through Christ, it was never too late to make it right.
Boys’ Christmas Party

A week before Christmas our PAYH young men thoroughly enjoyed hors d’oeuvres with Glenda Anderson Leonard and Stephen Leonard at their on-campus home. Then they went to the Santa Claus, Georgia Community Center for a delicious dinner. Following delectable desserts provided by Col. Ken Vaughn and his wife, Holly, they played Trivia (which Cameron won) and exchanged white elephant gifts. After spending time with “Santa,” they were blessed by walking to a nearby chapel where they reflected on the true meaning of Christmas. In our PAYH Family tradition of ending meaningful times together by singing “Holy Ground”, that is how we closed the evening.

Caden’s Graduation
This past month, we celebrated Caden’s graduation. Although he wasn’t initially interested in a relationship with Christ, the Holy Spirit remained persistent. Earlier this year, Caden made a personal commitment to Christ, which radically changed his outlook on life as well as his eternal future. In what became one of the highlights of his time at PAYH, Caden’s father was blessed to baptize him in our on-campus pool. Hear his testimony in his own words at
Lane’s Graduation

Right on the heels of Caden’s graduation, Lane also completed the PAYH program. Now, rather than a life lived apart from God and His saving Grace, he has new life in Christ, fulfilment through Him, and a new hope for the future. He has been accepted at a school where he will study automotive repair and plans to become a mechanic. Listen to him tell his story

Not only are each of our PAYH family members grateful for a new year and a new decade but we are also thankful that Jesus’ Blood covers our sins which allows us to keep short accounts with Him and each other. As we begin 2020, my fervent prayer is that we will meditate on Matthew 5:23-25 and ask God’s and each other’s forgiveness for our sins.
I have challenged myself and I also challenge you when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins of commission or omission that we QUICKLY ask God’s forgiveness and REPENT: make a 180 degree turn. If we have sinned against a brother or sister, my heart-cry is that we will IMMEDIATELY ask his or her forgiveness. In addition to saying: “I am sorry,” let us add: “would you please forgive me for…?”
THANK YOU for the HONOR of being laborers together with God and you in serving those He has entrusted to us!!Love in Christ,


Whether you’re a competitive runner or enjoy a casual stroll, whether you like to compete with a team or do your own thing, or if you simply want a chance to spend your morning supporting a worthy cause, there’s a place for you on March 7th, 2020 at the 5th Annual Chick-fil-A Vidalia Road Race. Sponsored by Zorn Insurance, Spivey Orthopedic, Altamaha Bank and Trust, and Pineland Telco, proceeds from this year’s race will benefit both PAYH and Winshape Camps in Vidalia. We are expecting over 600 runners this March – don’t miss your chance to be one of them. Sign up at and visit our Facebook page
We can’t wait to see you there!
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