We have numerous hopes and priorities for the young men in our care. We want to provide them with a second chance and the opportunity to get their lives back on track. We want to help them break the chains of addiction, and see them repair family relationships that have often been severely damaged.

These priorities are good and desirable, but none of them represent our primary objective. A changed life on Earth is only a temporary improvement, but the impact of a soul redeemed for eternity never diminishes. First and foremost, we want to see each of our young men come to know Jesus Christ as their savior. Only through His grace and mercy can a life be truly changed forever. By planting God’s Word in the hearts of our young men, we seek to provide every opportunity for a young man to come to know the Lord.

God tells us in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word shall not return to Him void, but will accomplish the purpose for which He sent it. This month He gave us a poignant reminder of this promise when 4 of our young men received Christ and were baptized here on campus. Through His transformative power, their lives will never be the same.

A changed life is PRICELESS!

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