Our Father is Always With Us
In May of 1945, just over 75 years ago, the forces of Imperial Japan were on the brink of defeat. Nazi Germany had surrendered at the beginning of the month, and Japan now stood alone, outnumbered, and surrounded. It was simply a matter of time before US forces would overcome their defenses.
The island of Okinawa was the final stepping stone before an invasion of the Japanese mainland could take place, and the fighting there was brutal and intense. As many as 20,000 US Marines were killed, as were around 100,000 Japanese. A few days before his death, PFC Michael Fenton had a chance encounter with his father, Colonel Francis Fenton, who also was serving on Okinawa. They spoke briefly, glad to see one another, before their duties forced them to part ways. These would be the last words they would ever say to one another.
When Colonel Fenton received word that his son had been slain in a Japanese counterattack, he hurried to the place where his son was killed in order to conduct the funeral. As he knelt and prayed over his son’s flag-draped body, he looked around at the others who had been killed with him and remarked “Those poor souls. They didn’t have their fathers here.”
As Christians we can take comfort in the constant presence of our Heavenly Father. Joshua 1:9 tells us to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Whatever trials we face, we know that He is there, and that He will never leave or forsake us.
Our Father is always with us.

Stephen Nichols
Director of Communications
Stories from the Home

A New Ride for the Young Men
The old PAYH van has safely seen our young men through many journeys, and Eddie Burris has done a fantastic job maintaining it. However, time and mileage take their toll, and it became necessary to replace it. In an answer to prayer, an anonymous partner funded a grant and Woody Folsom helped us find the vehicle we need. Now, our young men have a safer, more reliable, more comfortable ride. May the Lord be praised!

Y Camp 2020
The PAYH young men had an excellent stay at Athens Y Camps last month. In the mornings, they helped with maintenance and renovations on the grounds, and in the afternoons and evenings had many opportunities to relax. They enjoyed many outdoor activities, especially fishing. Lucas and Drake both caught their biggest bass so far. On the way home, they visited Paul Anderson Memorial Park in Toccoa, the birthplace of our founder.
Bryce & Tres

Two of our senior young men finished the program on May 15th. Bryce and Tres are both stellar examples of what a PAYH young man should be, and we look forward to seeing what they achieve in the future. If you haven’t had a chance to watch them, you can see their testimonies at payh.org/bryce and payh.org/tres.
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