You Are A Light
By *Garland Schaefer
In scripture, Jesus tells his disciples that they are the light of the world. He teaches this to them in Matthew chapter five when He says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (NASB).
What is the opposite of light? Darkness? Can these two things exist in one place? Does darkness drive out light, or does light drive out darkness?
Light dispels darkness. With just the flip of a switch, the darkness of a pitch-black room dissipates instantly as the light makes its presence known. In this world, there is much darkness. There’s darkness in the media, workplace, school, and even in the home. Some may say that the world is continuing to get darker and darker, but is that the fault of the darkness? It is simply doing what darkness does, getting darker and darker. The world becoming a darker place is not because of the darkness, but rather because of the lack of light. Jesus told the disciples that they should be the light of the world. That they should diminish darkness by living out the calling to be the ones whom through God shines. You, too, have this calling, and you too can be light that dispels darkness.
When Jesus came into this world, He overcame darkness everywhere He went. Because of the light that He was, He cast out demons, healed the blind, exposed hypocrisy, and showed forgiveness to sinners. Can these types of acts be said of you? Are you welcoming the darkness, or are you dispelling it through the light of Jesus, that He freely gives to you? Do you radiate to those around you and those who know you best? If you allow God’s light to come into your life, any darkness around you will be eliminated. You have the choice today to be a light in this dark world. Do not fear being a light because you think the world is too dark. Trust in Him, surround yourself with others who also carry lights, and stand strong.
*Garland Schaefer is the granddaughter of Paul Anderson.

But God…
Fire can be a scary thing. Especially when it shows up on our property in one of your structures. We had quite an eventful morning. In our staff meeting, we were alerted to smoke coming from the roof of the building where our food is stored and where a great deal of the vocational equipment resides.
Thankfully, it did not take but a few moments for the Vidalia Fire Department to show up on the scene, and move quickly in order to get the fire subdued. They performed above and beyond with excellence!
Another reason to be thankful, at the time of the fire (which was ruled as accidental), all of the young men were in class and away from any danger.
We are proactively restocking the food and getting the structure restored to once again serve its purpose.
All in all, it could have been much worse, BUT GOD has once again proved Himself to be our provision! He’s most certainly the fourth man in the fire!

Chick-Fil-A Vidalia Road Race
Our annual CFA Run Benefit for PAYH, WinShape Camps and Vidalia Heritage Academy is coming up on March 5th. We encourage you to get healthy and contribute to a worthy cause for the community! Go to to register. #runvidalia

Thank You!
We want to give a huge shoutout to Brewton-Parker College Cheer Dept and the US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) for their help in organizing the Runner’s bags for the Chick-Fil-A Vidalia Road Race here at PAYH! This is what it’s all about! Coming together as a community for a great cause! #runvidalia

29th Annual Paul Anderson Golf Classic
This year, the Paul Anderson Youth Home celebrates its 60th Anniversary. For 29 years, the Paul Anderson Golf Classic has been one of our key events. Through your generosity, this tournament has raised over 7 million dollars to help change the lives of young men, offer them second chances, and introduce them to Jesus Christ.

Ways to Donate
Just as you and your family have been impacted by Covid-19, the boys who attend this program face additional challenges that quarantine, illness of loved ones and emotional turbulence add to their lives. It is our hope to renew their sense of stability through the work of the Home. Please help us continue our ministry through a donation. Click here from your phone or computer. You can also text priceless to 41444 to donate.
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