Whose Genes Are You Passing Down?
By Dr. Jeff Padgett
Proverbs 23:21-25, “21 For the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags. 22 Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old. 23 Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding. 24 The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise child will delight in him. 25 Let your father and your mother be glad, and let her who bore you rejoice.”
Verse 23, particularly stands out, which says, “Buy the truth and do not sell it.” Each generation has to decide to buy into the truth and do not sell out to it. As parents and as grandparents, we need to understand that our faith will be tested by the next generation. What one believes is going to be tested. It will be pushed against, kicked against, walked on, and even possibly walked away from by your children and grandchildren.
So now the question becomes, how does one successfully transfer their faith? The answer is simple; If you live it, you can leave it. If you talk one thing at church and live another thing at home, you will not transfer what your faith is to your children. They can see the phoniness of your life. But if you live it, you can leave it. It’s only what you believe, is what you’ll leave. That’s why you have to become rock solid on what you believe. You’ve got to know and be known for those things in which you stand. You must have standards and convictions. You must believe deep in your heart. Every generation has to buy the truth and don’t sell it. In doing this, you will ensure the genes that are passed down will reflect the values and principles that God has instilled in those who are found faithful.
You didn’t come from your mother and your father, you came through them. You came from God. God designed you. He designed your talents. He designed your likes and your dislikes. And we thought Calvin Klein was the original creator of designer jeans. God put you in designer genes before you ever came onto this planet. Pass those genes on to the next GENEration as God intended.

Strength For The Day
Each week, PAYH shares a devotional called, “Strength For The Day,” by Chaplain (Col) Stephen W. Leonard, USA, Ret. In addition to being a retired US Army Chaplain, he is also the husband of our co-founder, Glenda Anderson Leonard. His writing is both moving and inspiring and will most certainly lift your spirit and encourage you in your walk with God. To receive his weekly writing, you can subscribe online at payh.org. You can also read past writings by clicking here.

Thank you to our partners
We at PAYH are so grateful to the organizations who partner with us through their contributions to the home. From RPE, LLC’s delicious potatoes, to the delectable mushrooms from To-Jo Mushrooms, to the numerous, enticing fruits and vegetables from Nickey Gregory Company. Thanks to you, the boys are well-fed with balanced, healthy meals every day. We appreciate you!

Giving Tuesday
We at PAYH believe that generosity is uplifting, and it connects us all together. The impact of generosity is a powerful tool in the hands of men and women of all ages. On Tuesday, November 28th, millions of people will come together and transform their communities for the better. We encourage each of our partners to participate in Giving Tuesday by contributing to the Paul Anderson Youth Home. You’ll be a major part of changing lives for eternity.

Happy Birthday Paul
PAYH Would like to wish a very happy heavenly birthday to the man who started it all. From the time God placed in his heart the vision to pour into young men, over 1,400 lives have been forever changed. Had God chosen to allow Paul to remain here on the Earth, October 17th would have been his 91st birthday. He now belongs to the ages and his legacy will forever shine like the stars above. On this day, join us in celebrating the life and legacy of our founder.
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