Guys get addicted to pornography because their brains cannot distinguish between pornography and the real thing.
Men who view porn can achieve full arousal within seconds. Because of dopamine reward, sexual images and memories are given priority by the brain because, like hunger and thirst,our sex drive is key to our survival. Like important files on a computer’s hard drive, pornographic images and associated emotions are easily provoked, accessed and opened.
For teens in particular, these images literally soil their brains, corrupt their thought life and pervert their perception of women, dating and love. As a result, guys who use porn extensively may never experience the true beauty of a real girl or the joy of a real romance. They simply settle for porn.
Research reveals that teens and young adults who consume online pornography are more likely to…
- Begin sexual activity earlier than peers
- Develop appetite for more graphic and deviant types of pornography
- Incur persistent emotional problems such as depression, shame and remorse
- Believe that the most gratifying sexual satisfaction is attainable without love or true affection
- Believe that being married or having a family are undesirable
- Develop sexual compulsions and addictive behaviors
- Believe that deviant sexual practices such as group sex and sadomasochism are common and normal.
Pornography promises much but delivers only lust and temporary gratification. It darkens the heart and degrades the soul. The more one uses porn the greater the chance that they will never find true intimacy or real love. If you need help– get it now, because this problem thrives in secrecy. Talk with a trusted friend, parent, clergy member, or addiction counselor. Your life or your son’s life is too valuable to waste it on porn.
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