[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. -Isaiah 5:20

There are a multitude of choices in life. Especially in our prosperous Western Civilization, life offers a cornucopia, a veritable smorgasbord of things and activities to choose from. Many people today have more resources than either their parents or their grandparents enjoyed at their same age. They have more directions seemingly to choose, how to invest their time, and with whom to do it. Those choices, whether or not you think them entirely neutral, always have a differentiated value: good or evil. There really are no neutral choices.
Some may certainly appear to be neutral to you, like choosing Cheerios or Wheaties for breakfast; both are probably “good choices. You certainly wouldn’t choose rat poison. But seeking God’s will for your life or taking your own path involves moral choices which are either good or evil. The determining factor to choose one or the other stems from your personal world- and life-view, even if you haven’t really thought about such or feel you have consciously developed one. Everyone has a world- and life-view, even if it is one which is a bit incoherent.
Where does your world- and life-view come from, you ask? Actually, a number of sources. The fact that you are conceived in sin; your parental upbringing; your input or lack of input from personal faith and church; from the Bible; your education; your friends and companions; your interaction with the world; your health; your personality; your innate skills and gifts. All have an impact in a developing world- and life-view. Or perhaps we should also say your developing world- and life-view determines how powerfully or not you are influenced by those varied people and things in your world and in your life. It flows both ways.
In any case, your view eventually becomes more settled in forming your opinions and the choices you make. It becomes the bell-weather in what you label good or evil, whether or not they actually are. Our text claims that things which are actually good are called by some “evil and things which are actually evil are called “good. Your choices are critically important, for they ultimately determine your end.
Ignoring God and participating in what is evil determines a destructive end, and seeking to honor God by doing that which He defines as genuinely good in His Word proves to be a saving end. The Bible is quite clear in that whether or not you think it so. His Word never fails to be precisely accurate.
Are you in need of a great revision of your world- and life-view? Does it need reconstruction in view of what the Bible teaches? These are vital questions in thinking about your eventual end. Will it be a destructive or a saving end? The matter is in your hands. There are many who call evil “good and good “evil. Do not put yourself in that category. Take God’s Word seriously! Let it form and inform your own world- and life-view.

“The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes; that soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no, never, no, never forsake, I’ll never, no, never, no, never forsake.
(6th verse of “How Firm a Foundation, 1787)

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