

About jpadgett

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So far jpadgett has created 565 blog entries.


Growing up in foster care, Justin had a hard time learning to adjust when his parents adopted him. Using drugs eventually turned into selling drugs, which led to incarceration. At first, Justin thought the PAYH program would be easy, and while that didn’t turn out to be the case, »


According to Isaiah, he cared about 2 things before he came to PAYH – music and getting high. Over time, the Lord began to work on his heart and earlier this year, accepted Christ and was baptized. Now, having graduated the program, he is back on track with school »


Grayson was raised in a Christian home, but was strong-willed and rebellious. He became involved in drugs and soon the hole he had dug was too deep to escape. One night, as he was out doing “God knows what,” Grayson’s mother sent him a text that read “God changed »


Austin began experimenting with drugs at an early age. For awhile he thought he had it under control, but eventually found himself in the ER, where doctors told him he was lucky to be alive. At Paul Anderson Youth Home, Austin received a second chance and accomplished things he »


Phillip’s family has been through many trials over the years. In order to cope with the pain of his circumstances, Phillip turned to drugs, and then to theft. This ultimately tore his family apart and resulted in his placement at PAYH. Having renewed and deepened his relationship with God, »


Mike came to the PAYH in April of 2008 from West Georgia as a 17 year old. He had first experimented with drugs as a 13 year old. Mike, after being charged with theft and burglary, came to the PAYH to turn his life around. Mike came to the PAYH »


Edwin came to the PAYH in January of 2008 from Middle Georgia as a 16 year old. He first experimented with drugs at the age of 15 and this ultimately led to him receiving drug related charges. Edwin became a Christian while in the program and graduated in July of »


Taylor was lost when he came to the PAYH in September of 2011. He was unsure of himself and had learned to retreat within himself to avoid having to confront things he did not like. His time at the PAYH was difficult, but through it Taylor came to understand »


It is so easy to let things get worse and worse once you start.  You get used to this lifestyle, and before you know it, you’re in over your head. My problems really started in middle school.  I just didn’t care about anything.  All I wanted to do was party.  »


Michael came to the PAYH in May of 2007. He had experimented with drugs and had become rebellious. Michael came to the PAYH to turn his life around. While at the PAYH, he renewed his faith as a Christian and was baptized. He graduated in December, 2008 after 19 months »


Drew came to the PAYH in July of 2007 from metro Atlanta as a 17 year old. At the age of 14 he had begun experimenting with drugs which led to charges surrounding trespassing and other issues. His parents sought an alternative to incarceration which led him to the PAYH. »


Nate would wake up each morning and think: “I wish I hadn’t woken up” His life felt empty and hopeless. It was void of anything and he certainly had no hope. He couldn’t imagine anything that could make him happy, not even remotely. The only thing he looked forward »

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