
About jpadgett

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So far jpadgett has created 570 blog entries.


Nick was a young man without drive or motivation. He had become unruly and despondent, but after he came to the PAYH in May of 2012, that slowly began to change. Nick graduated from the home in December of 2013.


Kent was an insecure and depressed young man when he came to the home in May of 2012. He would use drugs as a way to escape. But while at the PAYH, Kent found the strength to confront his fears and deal with them in a mature way. When »


Joseph began using drugs at the age of 14. By the time he came to PAYH in June of 2012 at the age of 17, Joseph had a problem he could not solve on his own. While in the program, he learned to take control of himself and learned to »


Ben came to the home in April of 2013. He had become a danger to himself and others. But Ben met the challenges of the PAYH and used the opportunity to grow into a man of character. He graduated in July of 2014.


I was a self-centered young man with a severe disregard for authority, as well as a drug problem.  This led to anger issues and put a strain on my relationship with my family.  After a friend told my parents about PAYH, I was sent here, where I learned that all »


Because of you, lives can change. In this video, Jesse tells us exactly how his life has changed. When you give to the Paul Anderson Youth Home you are investing directly into young men just like Jesse—their lives, their families, their future wives and children. There is no way to »


My whole life I have believed that I was in control and that I could make it on my own.  After waking up in jail, I finally realized I had a problem I could not solve on my own. Fortunately, I am blessed with a loving mom who helped lead me »


Tyler started experimenting with marijuana at age 16.  At first, he felt like he was in control, but it didn’t take long for that to change.  Soon, he found himself in jail and serious legal trouble.  A friend of the family referred him to PAYH, where he overcame his addiction »


Rick came to us from the US Army, having struggled with substance abuse while enlisted. Now Rick is clean, and is headed toward a better future, with plans to reenlist in the near future.  Hear Rick’s story of change in his own words below:


Having graduated the PAYH program, Peter is shipping out with the US Navy, where he will be studying to be an electrician, with the goal of ultimately becoming an electrical engineer.  in his testimony below, Peter shares how the Lord has changed his life at PAYH. »


When I was 13 I started drinking and partying with my friends.  Not long after that, I started using marijuana as well.  Pretty soon this spiraled out of control, and I found myself stealing to support my habit.  I dropped out of school, stopped playing football, and severely damaged my relationship with the »

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