
About jpadgett

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So far jpadgett has created 570 blog entries.

Isn’t There a Better Way?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] At PAYH, we strive to be the BEST AT WHAT WE DO.  Maintaining a quality program that adapts to meet the needs of each new generation requires plenty of time, effort, and research.  One of the most important things we can do for a young man before he leaves is instill »

Hard Work

Work has been a part of God’s design for mankind since the very beginning. Even before the fall, Adam’s job was to take care of the earth and the animals, and Eve’s job was to help Adam. Sometimes we might think our “perfect world would consist of relaxing in a »

Second Chances

HGTV’s “Fixer Upper is my favorite show on television right now. A husband and wife duo (Chip and Joanna Gaines) renovate homes and flip houses in and around Waco, Texas. In addition to his construction and realty responsibilities, Chip serves as the entertainment, constantly making jokes about his weight and »

Still, Small Voice

The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. – Proverbs 16:9   As we mentioned last week, 2016 did not go as planned for many people. While God gives us freedom to make our own plans and pursue our own desires, our freedom does not »

Purposeful Disappointments

2016. What a year! For me, it held the birth of my first child, learning how to balance motherhood, marriage, and work, the death of two grandparents, wrestling with loneliness away from my family and friends, excitement and gratitude over new friendships, lots of traveling with my husband and working »

The Joy of Giving

Be honest: Have you ever dreaded going through the checkout line because you knew the cashier was going to ask you, “Would you like to donate to the Cancer Foundation? Maybe you’ve avoided the entrance with the Salvation Army volunteers ringing their bells because you just didn’t want to deal »

Hope for the Hopeless

I don’t think many people would disagree that we live in a dark age. If you turn on the news, it won’t be long before you hear a harrowing story of neglected children, school shootings, random murders, spousal abuse, human trafficking, racism, poverty, disease, natural disasters, or general mass chaos. »

The Pit

On a recent visit home to my parents' house, I found a stack of papers from my second grade school year. I thumbed through the terrible drawings, misspelled words, and chicken scratch handwriting with tears of laughter streaming down my face, sharing these hilarious memories with my husband who thankfully »

Greener Grass

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve all been there. Your child comes home from school raving about their friend’s brand new car and simultaneously makes you feel like a failure of a parent. Feeling the jealousy rushing in, you ask yourself, How can her parents afford that? Jealousy quickly turns to judgment as you attempt »

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