
Parental Resources

Chief of the Bullied

Bullying has been in the news a lot lately. Whether its apparent epidemic proportion in our day is simply an issue of modern instant digital and pervasive media is a matter of conjecture. One can argue that bullying raised its ugly head in the very beginning soon after the fall of man into the ugliness of sin; the end result of Cain’s bullying of his younger brother Abel was murder; too often the ultimate outcome of this evil when persistently pursued; if not physical murder, psychological murder. Bullying is the persecution of a fellow human being (or beings) primarily to gratify the desires of the bully no matter the reasons for or how complex his or her psychological abnormality may be

Alcohol, Sex, & Women

Having drunken sex is not only risky--it can also be humiliating and produce intense feelings of guilt and shame. Here is an excerpt from an American Council on Drug Education report on alcohol and sex in which a young woman recounts a drunken sexual encounter. I was at a party »

The Alcohol & Sex Connection

Eighty Percent of first sexual experiences occur under the influence of alcohol. This is not exactly how most girls dreamed of losing their virginity. It's not surprising that two-thirds of teens girls regret having sex. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, impairs judgment and interferes with decision-making. Alcohol abuse is directly related to »

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