PAGC 2017
Join us for the 2017 PAGC! Get tickets here: Sponsor the tournament here:
Join us for the 2017 PAGC! Get tickets here: Sponsor the tournament here:
Last week, 413 of you came out to support the Paul Anderson Youth Home at our Second Annual Chick-fil-A Road Race, and I have to say, I was so impressed! First of all, it started at 8:00 on a Saturday morning (the one day of the week you can sleep »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] At PAYH, we strive to be the BEST AT WHAT WE DO. Maintaining a quality program that adapts to meet the needs of each new generation requires plenty of time, effort, and research. One of the most important things we can do for a young man before he leaves is instill »
He was the world's strongest man. The history of Paul Anderson Youth Home begins with Paul Anderson Himself. Watch his story above.
HGTV’s “Fixer Upper is my favorite show on television right now. A husband and wife duo (Chip and Joanna Gaines) renovate homes and flip houses in and around Waco, Texas. In addition to his construction and realty responsibilities, Chip serves as the entertainment, constantly making jokes about his weight and »
Due to the Lord's provision through your generosity, we finished 2016 in the black and are poised to begin 2017 with strength and purpose. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for being a part of this ministry!
Be honest: Have you ever dreaded going through the checkout line because you knew the cashier was going to ask you, “Would you like to donate to the Cancer Foundation? Maybe you’ve avoided the entrance with the Salvation Army volunteers ringing their bells because you just didn’t want to deal »
This past Sunday, two of our young men confessed their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior for the first time and one more renewed his commitment to Christ, expressing his desire to be baptized! Transformations like these are the reason the Paul Anderson Youth Home exists. God’s grace, and »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve all been there. Your child comes home from school raving about their friend’s brand new car and simultaneously makes you feel like a failure of a parent. Feeling the jealousy rushing in, you ask yourself, How can her parents afford that? Jealousy quickly turns to judgment as you attempt »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I first had my son, people would say to me, “Make sure you’re taking care of you! I always wondered how they thought I could possibly have time to do that. Between the seemingly constant feedings, diaper changes, baths, rocking, consoling, and of course snuggling, there wasn’t time to »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It seems pretty harmless, doesn’t it? You know, that little habit you practice when no one else is around. I’m just going to visit this one website. No one will know. I’ll only stay on it for a minute anyway. Scripture refers to Satan as the Father of Lies. From »