
16th Annual Paul Anderson Youth Home Bike Ride Held in Paul Anderson’s Hometown of Toccoa, Ga. 

The 300-mile Journey Symbolizes the Mental, Physical and Spiritual Advancement Made by the More Than 1,400 PAYH Graduates Over the Past 60 Years. (VIDALIA, Ga./TOCCOA, Ga.) Paul Anderson Youth Home, a fully accredited and licensed home offering a second chance to young men in crisis, began its 60th-anniversary celebration »

Chick-fil-A Vidalia Announces its 6th Annual Road Race Benefiting the Paul Anderson Youth Home and WinShape Camps

Locally Owned Chick-fil-A Hosts 10K, 5K and 1 Mile Races to Support Community Nonprofit Ministry Organizations  (VIDALIA, Ga.) The public is invited to participate in the 6th Annual Chick-fil-A Vidalia Road Race on Saturday morning, March 6. The event will include three races of varying lengths, 10K, 5K and 1 »

Paul Anderson Youth Home Earns Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities

Paul Anderson Youth Home Earns Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities CARF approval underscores the high standards of the Christ-centered youth home. (VIDALIA, GA) Paul Anderson Youth Home (PAYH) announced they have received a three-year accreditation by CARF, an independent nonprofit organization focused on advancing the quality »

Paul Anderson Youth Home Honors Founders’ Memory and Heritage

Paul Anderson Youth Home Honors Founders’ Memory and Heritage“The World’s Strongest Man” remembered for a foundation of faith during Founders’ Day celebration (VIDALIA, GA) The staff and boys of the Paul Anderson Youth Home (PAYH) took a break from their schoolwork and daily routine to honor the legacy of Olympic gold medalist weightlifter Paul »

The Legacy of Paul Anderson

https://vimeo.com/468718868 88 years ago today, a champion was born. After overcoming Bright’s Disease as a young child, Paul Anderson went on to win the 1956 Melbourne Olympics before founding the Paul Anderson Youth Home. This year, as we prepare to celebrate 60 years of operation, we look back and remember »


https://vimeo.com/409922856 If you read our newsletter, you’ve read the story of the 101st Airborne and how they stubbornly refused to give up the fight, replying with a simple “NUTS!” when the Germans demanded their surrender. Just like the 101st in Bastogne, we can sometimes feel a besieged. Fortunately, we have »

Staying in the Fight

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. – Matthew 6:33 I was once asked what combat was like. Believe it or not, my answer described a feeling that I am almost sure a lot of you have been feeling. “Will ‘it’ happen »

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