Success Stories

Success Stories2021-03-18T20:02:27+00:00


Logan was a rebellious and unruly child. When he came to the PAYH in May of 2012, he was sneaky and dishonest. However, during his time at the home, he began to take pride in his reputation. When he graduated in December of 2013, he did so as a »


Sam came to the PAYH in April of 2012. In addition to having run away from home, Sam had a real problem with drugs. While at the home, Sam began to find himself again and gained a new perspective on life. He graduated from the home in December of 2013.


Nick was a young man without drive or motivation. He had become unruly and despondent, but after he came to the PAYH in May of 2012, that slowly began to change. Nick graduated from the home in December of 2013.


Kent was an insecure and depressed young man when he came to the home in May of 2012. He would use drugs as a way to escape. But while at the PAYH, Kent found the strength to confront his fears and deal with them in a mature way. When »


Joseph began using drugs at the age of 14. By the time he came to PAYH in June of 2012 at the age of 17, Joseph had a problem he could not solve on his own. While in the program, he learned to take control of himself and learned to »


Ben came to the home in April of 2013. He had become a danger to himself and others. But Ben met the challenges of the PAYH and used the opportunity to grow into a man of character. He graduated in July of 2014.

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