homes for troubled youth near me

Value of a Changed Life

Because of you, lives can change. In this video, Jesse tells us exactly how his life has changed. When you give to the Paul Anderson Youth Home you are investing directly into young men just like Jesse—their lives, their families, their future wives and children.

Rifling Satan's Fold

In this first week of Advent 2014 we are once again reminded of the many centuries’ long, march through darkness to light; from the dark and evil tyranny arising out of Eden to the light of the world making His entrance into the life of humanity in the midst of manure in a cattle stall. Advent is a fairly brief four week season of the year which seeks to focus the direction of our thoughts to the nature, value, and lesson of faithful waiting; first, for the darkness to be pierced by the Light of the World and, second and last, for this Light to return as He promised.

Greater than Thanks

It is a season of thanks, when we gather together as families, big and small, blended and together, and acknowledge the blessings that relationships bring and truly how wonderful life is. What a gift it is to have loved ones. To sit around a table or on a couch, in »

Thanksgiving Redux

“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15-16 As you get into the full swing of Christmas gift shopping, I am fairly sure most of you »

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