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The Demas Disease

One has to cringe with fear at the words of Hebrews 6:1-8 if you genuinely take the warning of these eight verses to heart. Many students of the Bible have struggled with the correct understanding of this warning, especially when you believe in the perseverance of the saints, a biblical »

Different Yet The Same

It is one of the most amazing accounts in the Bible, and absolutely one of my favorites: the last Chapter of the Gospel of John. Seven men in the most natural setting you can imagine talked and ate with a risen Jesus; He whom they knew to be crucified and »

Why French Parents Are Superior

A thought provoking article regarding how Americans fret over parenthood that was written by Pamela Druckerman for Wall Street Journal detailing her investigation of French parenting. Driven by her self-proclaimed maternal desperation, the article entitled "Why French Parents are Superior" talks of how the French are raising happy, well-behaved children »

The Unbridgeable Great Chasm

Blood and gore; maggots and worms. Cinematography, the art and science of creating movies on the big screen and television, has come a long way in one century. It has progressed from the herky-jerky silent screen to producing almost anything the eye can imagine; and it can depict death in »

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