How Children Always Learn: For Good Or For Ill
. They learn from parents as they walk with them along the road, as they sit, as they lie down, or get up; that is, parents teach as they live life!
. They learn from parents as they walk with them along the road, as they sit, as they lie down, or get up; that is, parents teach as they live life!
“Her children arise and call her blessed… Proverbs 31:28 I have been blessed beyond measure by a woman whose address is now Paradise, as in Jesus’ words, “Today you will be with me in paradise. There is no greater blessing from earthly relationships than to be granted the honor of »
You have seen the movies or TV shows where the clock on the bomb is ticking down to zero and will not stop or take a pause as each second clicks away toward explosion. In most cases the deadly bomb is defused at the last possible split second. But this »
“The history of the world did not begin atomistically, with a group of isolated individuals, but organically, with a marriage and a family. (Herman Bavinck) Your marriage and the home created by it, is the seedbed of faith for the children God gives you. “The family is no fabrication of »
There are times when we feel we are alone in our commitment to follow God and do what He asks of us. You become frustrated that your efforts to do His will have not brought many others to your side and basically you are all by your lonesome in the »
Have you been personally called? Not many of us have a calling like Moses punctuated with a burning bush that is not consumed, or a brilliant light from the skies that temporarily blinds us as Paul, but your call is just as individual, just as notable, just as amazing as »
She was an obscure woman in an obscure place, yet she was projected by God onto the world stage. She never married, nor bore children from her womb, but she married her calling from God and she married Christ whom she adored; and the children “born of her love are »
Many of you have at one time or another heard the Starfish Story. It goes like this: “One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing? »
Can one move mountains? Most definitely, yes! One can make all the difference in the world. God’s Word proves it; and numerous examples throughout human history have illustrated the truth that one person is able to do what Jesus says: move mountains! “For truly, I say to you, if you »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Newtown, Connecticut was a quiet, peaceful town when the unthinkable happened last week. A town is in great mourning, a nation grieves, we all cry. The age old question is on the tip of every tongue, “Why? Over 2,000 years ago, Bethlehem was a quiet, peaceful town; then, the »
What should we teach our children in order to prepare them for tragedy? Here are ten Biblical Truths that will be helpful as you speak to your children during times of tragedy. In a fallen world, in which we live, tragedies will happen. They may strike near us in our »
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One Christmas/Advent commentary I received last week asked what Jesus as a baby did in the manger; and answered their own question, “Nothing. What He would do was yet to come, they wrote, when He went to the cross to die for us. This ignores a vital part of »