Parental Resources

Is This Family?

6 Million children will be abused this year. 50% of marriages will end in divorce. Every 78 seconds a teen attempts suicide.  Is this what we think family should look like?  We don't think so!

Who’s Your One?

Who's Your One? The poem "God Knows," written by Minnie Louise Haskins, is more popularly known by the name "The Gate of the Year."  Published originally in 1908, it gained public attention in 1939 when King George VI read it in his 1939 Christmas Broadcast to the British Empire.  At the time, Britain was in »

Peer Association

How important are your children's friends?  How much influence do you think they have in their lives?  As our children grow into teenagers and young adults, the friends that they select to spend their time, their life, with are the ones that will inevitably shape who your child becomes in »

Do we remember?

Taking moments to notice the positive During the Civil War, at the Battle of Fredericksburg, in what was one of the most one sided victories for the Confederacy, the Union Army marched across open ground to face an entrenched Confederate Army. The Union’s losses were massive and what they had »

What Is A Good Father?

To explain what I feel a good father should be, I must first point out some negative things and hope that they will not only alarm you who are reading this text but also give you a better idea of what we are up against.  In other words, to tell »

Depression in teens

Nathan was changing. He was becoming increasingly irritable, bored, sad, and just plain angry. When his mother would ask what was wrong, he'd snap, "I'm just having a bad day." For a few months Nathan's mother assumed that the pressures of school and just being a young teen were the cause of »

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